Mortem Rising Vines

by Valcin (Marc Zipper)

"We will miss his Plain A. Why are there Plants coming out the grave spot?" Said Worrier

"I think he cast one last spell or a Druid did it." Said Rouge

"I must definantly did no do such thing. Those are Mortem Rising Vines" Said Druid

"Say What" the whole group said in reponse.

"These are vine that eat the dead. Oh and don't smell them" Druid said and they gave the Druid a weird look " Thus meaing the Necro can not make a Zombie out him but he could make Walking Skelleton once the vines are done."

"Oh" the group said as they took a step back, well all but the Rouge they asked, "Are you sure we can't smell them. I have already and they smell kind of sweet"

"You can go head and smell the flowers, I hear they have a two for one deal on graves to day" Said Druid with a smirk.

Basic Information


Mortem Rising Vines are a set of two-layered dark green vines filled with fluid. The bottom layers of vines are covered in little white tentacles. The top layer consists of emerald green vines and have buds all over them. When the flower blooms, it has four white petals and two ash-colored petals on top of them. The center other blossom is a dark purple.

Biological Traits

Warning: they are extremely combustible. The flowers let out gassy odors around them, and the liquid inside the vine is highly combustible.

The blooms emit a sweet odor, yet any species that breed in them sent. They would most likely pass out, and if they were passed next to it, they would choke and die. the gas from the flower let out are the same gas the corpses have.

The liquid inside of the vines makes a great fertilizer for plants to grow

Genetics and Reproduction

When the vines burst, spilling the fluid that also contains the plant's seeds. Animals can then pick up or eat the seeds. The wind can pick it up and blow it all over the place. The seeds are incredibly difficult to destroy, and seeds live longer than Elves or Fox Folk. It will stay a seed till it discovers a body to develop in.

Growth Rate & Stages

Their growth rate is really fast. They spend most of their lives as seeds, but as they begin to mature, their lives become significantly shorter. The size of the corpse they land in will determine how long they live. It takes the plant of a person, who was five feet tall and weighing approximately 150 pounds, about a week and a half to digest the corpse and develop to full size. They will have six bottom vines and three top vines, each measuring approximately four feet long. They will have four days of life as the flower wither and then the vine will burst.

Ecology and Habitats

They will grow in nearly any corpse except marine life. It doesn't appear to like drowning victims, something about the body composition isn't to its liking.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It only eats corpses and absorbs some sunlight. It will eat the corpse all the way down to its bones. It is unconcerned about and unresponsive to live creatures.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Rising liquid fertilizer: Vine fluids you can make into liquid fertilizer. All you have to do is filter out the seeds to avoid growing plants where you don't want them. You now have a powerful fluid that will help your plants flourish.

Deadman Anesthetics: The flowers' petals make an excellent anesthetic. This is one of the most potent anesthetics used for surgeries and other situations where the patient should not be able to awaken.

Hunted Sleep: is a poison made by combining flowers with additional chemicals. It is a lethal poison that causes people to fall asleep and then die within a few hours. The poison makes it appear that the victim as died while sleeping.

Mortem Flame Fluid: is made out of both the liquid and the flowers to produce highly flammable liquid, resulting in a strong and intense fire.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The top layers of Mortem Rising Vines have a unique sensory system that detects light wavelengths. Even if they're underground, those areas where the sun is still present contribute to it. The bottom layer contains a unique collection of sensory systems that can find a corpse's body by detecting the gasses and rotting flesh.
Seed Life/ Plant 4 days after it food supply is gone
Average Length
the smallest being 1 foot and the longest 23ft.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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