Neckless of True Blue Secrets

This necklace can help you understand your opponent and forecast their next moves. The necklace appears to be disturbing to look at because it contains one eye and two ears made of deep blue Sapphire that look real. If you wear the necklace, you will be able to tell what your adversaries are thinking and warn you of attacks. Be careful it is said to be a curse, that the people you have killed while wearing this necklace you can hear them coming for you haunting you always by your side until the day you die.


The necklace consisted of a large blue sapphire in the shape of eye and the size of one to. The pupil is a slit in it and as you stare at it it looks like it's staring back at you  joined to two Starfire ears by purple amethyst triangles. The image on the right appears to be an elf, while the image on the left appears to be a human. the triangles lead to a black connection that connects to a lavender metal clip that has some blood ruins drawn on it.

by Valcin (Marc ZIpper)


The last known owner of this necklace was Duchess Selena Bonjan. She is also known as the Mad Blue Duchess. She cares for and rules her Regent with rapid efficiency and forceful control. Her citizens adored and respected her, but they were well aware that she ruled with an iron fist, albeit a fair one. She appeared to know when others were conspiring against her or talking about her. She would handle them quickly and within the law providing evidence or setting a trap where the deal went down. This led to speculations that she was a rare seer who could predict the future. For a time, these stories kept people from encroaching or causing trouble in her region.

As the years passed, she began to distrust others and convict them without evidence. She even sent her guard after shadows, claiming that the people were after her. She began snapping at everyone just for a small thing and whispering around her. She swore she heard whispers all around her no matter who was there. She eventually thought that the entire Kingdom was chasing her, and the last thing anyone heard from her was a note. Stating that she was safeguarding herself from all of the world's deceitfulness and Murderous intent. No one has located her in over a thousand years.


There are tales that she has been cursed. Some claim a magician did it, while others attribute it to the strange necklaces shown in all of her paintings. They believe the necklace permitted her to hear everyone else's thoughts and literally gaze into your mind. Others claim the necklace just spoke to her, causing her to see and hear things that were not there.

The best and most well-known story is that the necklace helped her find and kill her foes. The neckless absorb their spirit, and you could hear them conversing with her every night. The more people she discovered who were against her, the more they came to haunt her until the day she vanished. No one knows where she went, but everyone believes it was somewhere beneath this Bonjan region. Even now, the Mad Blue Duchess screams and is being hunted. You can be heard if you listen quietly and put your ear to the ground.



  • Every living creature with a brain is detectable within 30 feet. while you're wearing this at all times. you are never surprised
  • Upon activation, you could read anyone you glanced at's surface-level thoughts. People with psychic defenses, Will magic, or the ability to defend against telepathic abilities a Will Save DC-25.
  • Ten times a day you can see into a creature's mind and discover any negative thoughts they may have about you. You will be able to delve inside someone's head and discover everything they have ever considered about you, starting with the darkest and most evil thoughts and progressing all the way up to the pleasant and positive ones. Everyone gets Will to save. People with psychic defenses, Will magic, or the ability to defend against telepathic abilities a Will Save DC-25 and others who don't DC-30
  • The necklace will release a burst of Will energy ten times a day. Attack with range touch, 6d10 damage. Additionally, the victim of the hit must complete a DC-20 Will save or become paralyzed for one D6 round.
  • Once the necklace is utilized, the wearer will initially start to hear whispers. These whispers will become more noticeable the more the necklace is used to read minds. The impact of whispering DM prerogative and how it effect the player as well.
  • They will start to dream of dream figures coming to kill them in the most gory manner after wearing the necklace for a week. Even when they have had their full sleep, players will still feel exhausted. gradually becoming paranoid. Spell natural healing and other benefits still happen on full rest
Item type
Unique Artifact
This lost to history and there's only one of it. no knows how to recreate it
20 inches of conference
Base Price
Priceless one of kind

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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