
Pharooy are Cute, little, fluffy mammal. That moves at incredible speeds and jumps exceedingly high. They are also exceedingly difficult to catch because of their skills and special abilities. When they jump, they can expose their bodies to anything. Making them one of the most difficult animals to trap or hunt.

Basic Information


A Pharooy has a button nose and whisker on its face. As well as two eyes and a mouth. Two tall but short ears, two long arms with four fingers. Back legs are unusually lengthy, with long feet. A foot-long tail to keep balance. The whole body is furry and fluffy.  

by Valcin (Marc Zipper)

Biological Traits

  • They run up to 45 MPH They are some of the fastest and smallest animals out there
  • They can jump up to 8 feet tall clearing most creatures is height
  • They can phase their body through anything. However, it appears that they only do this in midair. It's believed to be a self-preservation reflex since if they did it while on the ground, they'd fall thought the ground.
To avoid the majority of predators, they use all three talents. THey are able move at their top even while jumping around. That alone can evade most predators. Now, thanks to their Phasaing ability, they can get away from everything because they can move in a straight line, but the pursuer will still have to go around and maneuver. This give them the advantages to get around the forest

Growth Rate & Stages

They are born only five months after conception. For the first six months of life, baby mostly stay inside the nest. Once they are able to run, jump, and phase. They will begin to explore the floors with their parents and siblings, learning how to survive while having fun. They reach complete development in 2-3 years, at which point they will leave the nest and find their own home.

Ecology and Habitats

They live in forests and rainforests, or anywhere there are plenty of trees. It provides them with plenty of cover to avoid predators. They also tend to blend in, making it difficult for you to see them. They usually make their home under a massive tree. They dig out a good, big place for themselves and their family. They usually use it as a place to sleep because they enjoy exploring and playing in the forest. This is also for the babies to grow and mature. A nest usually has two to three families living there

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are all herbivores that eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, shrubs, and occasionally insects. They have a strong desire for sweet fruits like strawberries, watermelon, Swygoon, and other extremely sweet fruits.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They typically pair up and live as a group of six parents. To be able to help raise and care for the young. They are very friendly with other small creatures, but anything larger than them they will run away from.


There have been a few Wizards who have taken them as pets or familiars. The primary reason believe is to protect some of its secrets or be able to use its phasing ability. They will be able to give the rabbit a small object, and it will scamper away with it, leaving no one to capture it. At least not as easily.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have an exceptional sense of hearing, smell, and sight. It detects predators and other threats as they approach. It is also ideal for their fast mobility and jumping around. They also utilize their large feet to make noise, alert others of risks, and locate other members of their kind. They are able to do this because of their excellent hearing
5 to 10 years
Average Height
1.8 to 2.5 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The main color is predominantly dark brown or light brown with dark green patches. Making it incredibly difficult to see in the woods or grassy places.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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