Ram Buckler

Ram buckler is a dark green buckler with a ram Insignia on it surrounded by yellow runic. It is designed for the close fighter types. It is also slightly stronger and better buckler than his predecessors. With several functions in it. The first function is on a shield bash possible chance of knocking someone flat off their feet. Second function when you rush sn enemy. The buckler will create a force in front of it. and push whatever in your way to the side. 3rd function when saying the activation word. The buckler changes into a gauntlet. Wrapping around from your fingertips too almost down to your elbow. This will give you a stronger punch. When you activation the last function. Your fist will go faster than you can believe.

by Marc Zipper (Valcin)

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Ac 2  Sheild Bash Knock Prone fail fort save 15 on a successful attack. Charge 15 feet nock anything 15 feet to either side of you. Fort saves 15 stop dead in tracks. To change to A gauntlet you say Ram Buster. to revert it back Ram Charge.  in Bust mod, your fist attack goes up 1d8 Bust mod Grant you Furry of blow you will 3 attack at primary to hit and your hit The Buckler only has 4 charges a day for both Furry of Blow and Charging at them. so you got to be careful on where you use the 4 charges.
Item type
They are rare to find. it takes some knowledge in the art of enchanting and working with metal. and then understanding the magical properties of morphine. This design was from the Kingdom of the Emerald Empire.
Base Price
15,000 GP

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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