Salamander Gauntlet

Are you tired of getting ganged up on the front lines or being unable to eliminate a group of enemies? Having to move out of the way of the spellcaster in order to wipe out the group's foes. You're in luck; I have the gauntlets for you. The salamander gauntlets will help you to eliminate a group of foes in front of you. The tried and tested approach is to use fire, although there are other options available. So choose your style and provide it to your opponents.

by Valcin (Marc Zipper)

Mechanics & Inner Workings

When you close your fists and point your arm out. The Salamander guard's head will glide over your fist.  As you press the trigger with your two fingers on the back of the head. The mouth of the Salamander will open up and unleash a burst of elemental damage. The more charges you use, the more intense and powerful the output will be.

Game Rule
The gauntlets as a set will provide you AC +1. You can choose whether to have the same or a different type of energy. Each gauntlet has five charges. When you spend a charge, it deals 1d4+5 damage with a 15-foot cone radius, Reflex saveDC16 for half damage. You can spend more charges to gain more D4 for each charge spent. If you spend all five in one attack, it will result in a 20-foot cone.
Item type
Common type: Fire, Water, Acid
Uncomon type: Wind, Ice, Light, Dark
Rare types: Will, Sprit, Lighting
around 3lb
They are custom fitted to fit your arm with a close fist
Base Price
3,000 to 5,000

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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