
Salamanders are commonly referred to as fire lizards. They are large lizards that dwell near a volcano and can attack you upon sight. They will ignite and burn everything that enters their domain. They are swift and aggressive, so be cautious if you wind up in their layer.

Basic Information


Salamanders are gigantic lizards with four legs. Four finger-like appendages with sharp claws can be found on the feet. A two-foot-long tail and several little brilliant yellow spikes in two rows running up its back parallel to its lower neck. Two emerald green or bright yellow eyes. Salamanders have razor sharp teeth. The body is entirely dark crimson, with orangey brown spots of various shapes scattered throughout.

Biological Traits


Salamanders have a sharp bite and claws to watch out for, but what is more dangerous and well known for is their fiery breath. An fire straight out of their mouths burning every think the flame hits. So anything in front of it need to watch out They also use fire magic, which allows them to generate fire stick to fire at distant flows. They are well-balanced magical beasts in combat.


Salamanders have extraordinarily thick, elastic skin. This makes it difficult for any physical attack to penetrate their skin and hurt them. Then, if they sense they are in danger, they will use their magic to produce an fire coat over their body, making it difficult to hit them and scorches any foe who approaches them. It burn any creature that attacks them. They are naturally resistant to all Fire magic, but severely vulnerable to all Water magic.


Salamanders move slightly quicker than most large breed lizards on land. They can also readily cross mountain terrains because of their strong claws, which allow them to traverse and ascend. They have the strength to climb up and hold themselves upside down in a cave for a brief time.

CR 6


N M Magical Beast
Initiative: +1 Senses: darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +18


AC: AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +7 natural)
HP: 76 8d10+32
Fortitude: +10 Reflex: +7 Will: +6
Immune: Fire Weaknesses: Water DR: 10/magic


Speed: 40ft Climb 25ft
Melee: Bite and Claws +11/+6 (1d8+4/×3 plus 1d6 Fire), tail slap +6 (2d6+1 plus 1d6 Fire and grab)
Ranged: Fire Breath 20ft cone Ref save DC 19 1/2 Damage use x4use 4d6
Space: 5ft Reach: 5ft
Spell-like Abilities: Scorching Ray x2 2 ray 4d6 40ft range touch, Flame Body +2 AC if hit with a melee attack it deal 1d6+1 use 2x last 1 hour


Str 16, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 13
Base Attack: +8 CMB: 11 (15 Grapple) CMD: 22(cant be tripped)
Feats: Cleave, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills: Acrobatics +12, Bluff +12,Climb 16, Intimidate +12, Perception +16, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +12,

Genetics and Reproduction

Female Salamanders will burrow deep into the mountain to find a nice warm area to lay her eggs. When she founbt the spot she dig whole to put the eggs in. The male will fertilize them and then bury them with dirt and stone. The salamander eggs are extremely thought and may be mistaken for stone. The egg will remain buried for six months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Salamanders hatch into lizards that are roughly a foot long from head to tail. They burrow their way out of their nests, surviving and living with their siblings. They will hunt for and eat bugs, fungi, and other plant life while avoiding larger creatures as they grow. It takes three years to reach their maximum size. Furthermore, it takes them around a year and a half to fully acquire their fire breath. They will start with heated air and work their way up to flames.

Ecology and Habitats

Salamanders live in harsh, hot terrain, mostly near active or deactive volcanoes. They can withstand hard and scorching conditions thanks to their strong physique and sharp scales and fangs. The largest population may be found on Natsu Islands throughout the entire archipelagos.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Salamanders eat fruits, vegetables, insects, and small animals as they grow. That will take care of the majority of its body's essential functions. It also eats plants, and fungi, which provide methane for its Fire breast.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Salamander skin is desired for use in heat-resistant armor and gear. Their fire glands and skin oil are used in alchemy to manufacture a variety of potions, including those that withstand fire and  use to make bombs.

Some blacksmiths use them to help in the forge. They employed them to keep the forge hot while also applying heat to the metal and spacific areas. They tend to get quite highly trained to help with directed heat and control. make them a great asset to have.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Salamanders have an acute sense of smell. They can identify territories and other pheromones, as well as chemicals in their terrains. They use their sense of smell to detect these and other animals in their territory. They can both sense aquatic odors and distinguish between different airborne or odors. Giving them a broad scope to determine what is coming for them or what they are coming for. Salamander's have excellent vision that can see in the ultraviolet spectrum and thermal legacy far away, and they even have some extremely amazing night vision. The hearing isn't fantastic because they all have the opercularis system, which is similar to frogs. So they can hear sounds in the air, but they aren't adept at locating sounds or using them for anything else.
35 years
Average Height
Around 2 feet tall
Average Weight
123lb to 163lb
Average Length
Between 4"9 feet to 5"11 feet fully grown.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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