Saya the outsider wayer

Waver Saya Verti Layla (a.k.a. Outsider)

Saya is an Aquadians  the was blessed with ability to gliimp into the future. He was what the Aquadians call a Wayer or the Worldest "Common"  language call a seer.

He traveled the continent researching how to stop these visions because they came out of price. Every night dreams he would always dream of drowning. And it was never the same way over the same place or not until his teenage years. He even drowned in a metal cart but somehow flew off the road that was made of some black stuff. One time his dream was even about a planet freezing over. These dreams are so vivid so strong and felt so real to him. He only ever got a few minutes before entering water is slowly slowly drowning.

These Dreams had a set of Major impact that he avoided any large water. He was Aquadian that fear water.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Since the day I was born I've had two special things about me. One is I've been able to glimpse the future and see possible outcomes of it. When this happens I do tend to try to help those who are about. I have never been about myself unless I was just there. normally it gives me a warning or something that is possibly going to happen in the near future. Wow, my traveling used my abilities to hope all types of people that I came across. From finding a lost kitten to a morning adventure party about an attack. This gives me some kind of fulfillment in my life because the second gift isn't that pleasant. 

The second gift every night I dream of is water. In some form creature, monster, metal cart, and other things I can't describe. I've been them or seen from their perspective. As they are either drowned or frozen. These nightmares make no sense I don't even recognize any of the places or any of the events that are happening. Every night I dream of happening and I've gone several years without the same dream. No, I'm older I think they're beginning to repeat but there are so many I can't remember all of them. So I stay away from large bodies of water and still get us a taking a shower but my body needs it. Being Aquadian afraid of water. Well let's just say everyone gets a good laugh at it

This is the reason I've been traveling. it's not because wanted to see the world and people. yes, I do like doing that but that isn't the main reason I'm scouring the world. I'm trying to find a way to get rid of the nightmares I am tired of seeing death come from the water. I found all types of information about Sears and Wavers. They say a lot of it is blessings from the gods or some outsider. Well, I talked to all the priests and priestesses I come across. None of them have heard of my particular blessing before. They have tried praying and blessings and curse breakings but none of it seems to work so I still don’t have any clue who gave me these cures or what they want of me. So I keep going on and trying to figure out why I've been cursed this way.


Well I'm in the deepest darkest part of what's a new pair of concrete shoes. how I got here you ask? well, that is because I decided to save a boy and that took his place down here in the ocean. Stop a group of criminals from killing him now. That's because I have a vision that showed me that boy if he lives will become a great thief but later be one of six that will be needed to save the world. So I took the item from the boy. told the boy I will do this for you you gotta remember when a Human female power them, a male human sorcerer, a monk of the wind, A blazing female Dwarves , and a Cat Folk wizard catch you. Go with them you and all you will change the world. I said that to him and then let the thugs catch after a little chase. lucky for me the thugs can't tell an Aquuadain from one another. So they took me thinking I committed the crime. To show me as an example. They gave me cement boots drop me in the middle of the ocean. The irony is that I'm going to die down here.

As time goes on because I can hold my breath for around an hour. My mind starts to show me my dreams. At first just glimpses of drowning. As time went on they will get more vivid and longer making me freak out more. Until I start filling my lungs needing to expel the air and my muscles contracting. tTe pain was getting worse and worser. So were the dreams, they become more vivid and clear. Then I start to realize they are all me. I lived all those lives but I die the same way each time. I've lived in countless worlds been with so many different people and to so many different places. It was all starting to make sense. All my dreams were different lives and in different dimensions. The pain was getting worse and worser. I fell my body let out the air and was beginning to start to grasp for more. My dreams and my memories were coming in more clearer and clearer. I have been reincarnated countless times in countless worlds. I have so many different lives they all we're different from the life I live in now. All my lives are very interesting as I begin to remember them all. My body beginning to struggle more and more it's getting close to the time. I can't wait for the next adventure hopefully I'll get some good dreams this time…

Personality Characteristics


To stop the nightmare. to use his gift to help

Likes & Dislikes

I love cats and like to play with fur balls. They are so petty and just so relaxing and calm. Sometimes I wish my life could be like that.

 I'm not too fond of fish. That's probably because the smell reminds me of the ocean. so I tend to avoid eating fish as much as I can. Chicken now that's right where it is. I love the taste of it.
Circumstances of Death
Drowning trading his life for a young lad.
Black eyes with teal ring in them
Goes down to his shoulders wavy and a light brown coloring
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mint green
Quotes & Catchphrases
Cant wait to see what next

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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