School of Transmutation in Elema | World Anvil

School of Transmutation

This school of changing and modifying the world around you is known as the School of Transmutation. You will be able to shift objects into all types of shapes and shapeshift your body to obtain new abilities., You can use their magic to improve or modify objects and items. This school is quite versatile. A good set of Craftsmen has some expertise or has learned a little from this school of magic. Because this school is strongly associated with the Science of Enchanting

You can acquire wonderful jobs if you know about this magical school. Examples include blacksmith, alchemist, Carpenter Pharmaceutical, and a variety of other vocations that entail modifying or making something. This is dependent on what you learn from this school and how you intend to apply it. There is undoubtedly a job waiting for you.

The School of Conjure offers Two subtypes.
  • Transmute:  simply modify any nonliving material by using your magic. You will be able to reinforce, change, and weekend any form of thing with this subtype. People will believe you can enchant anything if you specialize in this subtype, even if you are not a Craftsman.
  • Shapeshift:  is the power to alter and modify living matter. This subcategory will allow you to use your magic to change and modify people's creatures. If you divide so that you specialize in this kind, some people may become suspicious if you give yourself any awkward or weird features.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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