Skin Carbonization

Skin Carbonization will change your skin to become hard like metal and turn black. , After a while, your skin will grow as hard as metal, and you will look like a black golem.

Transmission & Vectors

Touching is the primary mode of transmission for this bacteria. Because it can only be found in areas with high temperatures and a variety of metals, most miners and anyone who lives or works underground in new regions should wear safety equipment. It is primarily found on metal, while others speculate that it may have helped increase the quantity of or discovered in the location. There is no proof of this. If the bacteria is in a live organism, it can likewise be transported through the air.


The first symptom will be that your skin feels tight and is beginning to appear darker than usual. This will begin in a few days because you have been infected. Then, a week or two after being infected Parts of your body will begin to transform into dark metal. And it will be increasingly difficult to move and react. After the initial parts of the skin change into dark metal meaning it starts to Carbonization, the process will accelerate, making it more difficult to move where you'll be a complete metal golem in 48 hours. After that, you will be unable to move and will become a short-lived statue. As you'll notice, your entire body of skin is now formed of carbon. their no way for you to move or eat.


First, you go on a vegetarian diet. While on this diet, you will also be given powerful antibiotics to help stop and combat the bacteria infection. This will work if you do it before starting the complete metal skin. If you have any metal skin on your body, you should begin the diet and medication, which you will be on for the next six months, if not longer, depending on how much of your skin has carbonized. Then a great healer will need to step in and cast a spell to transform your metal skin back into flesh. They are rare and expensive so some will go without the treatment and have metal parts. They will have to eat less meat and be careful not to get it again because it will come faster.


When digging underground or thinking about metals. Wear a mask and leather gloves while dressed in long shirt and pants with boots. Make sure not to touch any of your orifices with your colthing and you'll be alright. If you notice any unusual tightening or darkening of the skin, please seek medical attention.
Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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