Sky Wood

Light blue in color, Sky Wood comes with some intriguing property. It's a lightweight, incredibly strong material and take longer to rot . Originally, they were only made for surfboards, gliding boards, and The Guilder. However, it is currently utilized in some to make them equally durable and speedier. The wood appears to have the uncanny ability to ride out wind and water currents and is very aerodynamics.


Material Characteristics

It appearance look like typical lumber that is light-blue and smooth. When you pick it up lighter than you would think.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is one of the toughest woods available. It requires specialized tools to operate with and shape because it is extremely resilient and difficult to destroy. possesses an additional characteristic that increases its aerodynamics. It appeared that boats and gliders constructed from this material could turn and move a little faster.

Geology & Geography

They only found in the sought of Raygon in the Sora Sky Forest and small area of the southen region of Raygon.

Origin & Source

They come from Sky Tree beatuful light sky blue trunk and sky blue leves.

History & Usage

Everyday use

The Wood was initially employed to construct protective dwellings. They are also designed to accommodate hunting spears and arrows. Because they could push through or ride the wind, they were able to create the best weapons for fairies when they were in the air. Before the fairies made friends with the local elves and humans, this was mostly how it was used for the longest period of time. Then, in order to aid their new friend in their ability to ride the wind, they began to construct gliders. After settling in Whisper Village, humans began producing glide boards.

There is a little area of Sky tree within the boundaries of Samhraidh Talah's. They made surfboards and boats, they have also created a few homes for themselves out the wood. The distinctive design of the surfboards drew the attention of the Singache residents. The fairies never considered creating something that could fly on water. As King Ozer stated to Lord Glendale in response to his request for the blueprints. Thus, these are the main purposes for which Skyward is utilized.

Cultural Significance and Usage

In the kingdom of Singache the trees that this wood is from are accorded respect and honor. They belive that the Sky Tree are  from Kaze, the great god, had given them tree to help them. As a result, the word that they collect and use is highly revered so when they collect the wood they start with a pary to Kaze thanks him for it and asking for his permission. Then they listen to wind for a responds. Whatever the wind says they will do leave the wood and go somewhere else, harvest the wood, or just come back another day. As a result, this wood has been revered as a royal treasure and is only exchanged for friend and other people they think deserving.


Trade & Market

You can only trade for it from representative of the kingdom of Singache and representative from the Glendale family in Samhraidh Talah Kingdom

Law & Regulation

The harvesting laws in Singache and Glendale Family are extremely stringent. if you harvest without the required license and guidance. You will be imprisoned for at least half a century. To ensure that the trees remain alive and fertile and that the resource doesn't run out, they each have strict guidelines and laws about how to harvest.
It petty value to those who have it you need to figure out what they would want
It can only be found in South Raygon
Light sweet wooden taste
Light Sky Blue (#C6FCFF)
Common State
Fully grown tree or stacks of Lumber

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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