Yes, I'm excited about summer camp preparations and can't wait for Summer Camp to begin. This year, I want to try to complete all 40 prompts. Every time I've obtained a diamond, I will undoubtedly get a diamond. Having completed 20,000 words for World Ember last year, I want to challenge myself to see if I can complete all 40 prompts. However, the issue is that I have conventions and other commitments that interfere with my ability to go for all 40 but I will get a diamond.

First assignment is to think about change and change in your world. Well, since I started creating it, my world has altered and developed into what it is today. Because of my players and those who ask me questions, things are updated, adjusted, and developed into something new. I don't find it difficult to see change; all I need to do is ensure that there is a foundation from which the world can grow.

The second assignment you can see in the header I will get the almighty diamond

The Third assignment is to organize your world well I did that last year and if I need a new place to put something I'll just make it.

Our fourth assignment from our nasty teachers was to update the meta of my universe. Yes I finished it and I agree with myself and what I had done it, but it grew in length and detail. My world has become a lot more exciting as a result, and I want to construct and create more things. However, everything still influences me since I take it in, consider it all, and study it. Thus, I am grateful to the teachers for assigning this task, and it has been updated.

Second week of homework. Where to consider refuge in this world. To me, refugees can take various shapes. I literally just formed a firefighting crew to save people from burning down buildings. However, it can appear in the form of bases, securities, residences, and various types of spells and guardians. To me, that idea of refuge is limitless because as long as there is something to be protected from an aggressive force or fear, there will always be defenses and safeguards to seek refuge in. So this is a fun assignment.

First assignment find an accountability buddy. In many facets of my life, my wife serves as an accountability buddy, helping me to go forward and stay on track. She also stops me if I go too far and tells me to relax and take a break. I also have some friends and acquaintances who are always willing to help and advise me on my world-building endeavors. I really appreciate the likes and comments I receive from the world anvil community; they motivate me to continue creating. So thanks to everyone who helped and liked my stuff it will be fun summer camp.

Second, find a social circle prepare your world for style. So I have a social group that includes my wife, player, and other friends and relatives. Now I have difficulty with social media because read skills sucks and I'm naturally sarcastic, so it's difficult for me to write out exactly what I'm joking about, what I'm serious about, or how I want to convey my views because I think outside the box. So I like using the Word Anvil Facebook group and I do need to get better at socializing there. Discord overwhelms me because I don't know what's going on or how to chat or interact, therefore I probably won't interact there. I really enjoy using the World Anivil of Post to the World feature since it allows me to read about a variety of people's updates, which is very entertaining.

Assignment 3 prepare your world for style. My world is already styled, and I do utilize coding to make it appear cool. I do draw many of my animals and other stuff put in my world. But I'm not very good at laying out pages, and I've seen some very cool other people's worlds with some excellent style. But I am doing well for what I am capable of.

Assignment 4 if you have CSS wizard to update your world. I am not a CSS wizard; I am an amateur, so I recently, I believe three or five months ago, updated it with a little flare. Until I am ready for more headaches with coding, I will most likely update them, but not right now.

Third week of homework. two more weeks until summer camp. So this week we're discussing the concept of believing. Belief in Elema takes many different forms and shapes. There are beliefs in the eight gods, but that is the most religiously based. You have the church of the 8 but there are other cults and ideologies that people believe in, whether genuine or false. Then there is the metaphysical verse. which is a realm that exists between the divine and the physical realms and, will construct realms based on the beliefs of a large enough group. These a lot of people believe they might make something similar to a deity, but less strong. The universe can and does at make what you believe real. Then you have cultural and societal attitudes regarding a variety of topics. For example, there have been some exceptionally gifted orks in both stealth and intelligence, contrary to popular opinion. Because of the large amount of species and magic I have incorporated into this world, there are a variety of beliefs, customs, and even fears. I can't wait to get into this more at summer camp.

Assignment 1. So I got to assignment one in the introduction to week three. In my reality, I don't think they have much reason to believe because there is so much to believe in between the magical understanding of the universe, the divine realm, and the metaphysical realm. I would have a difficult time designing a character who does not believe in the gods because they have an active part in the world. But I could surely have fun making a bard, believe that carrying around an air lay line crystal improved his musical abilities. So this will most likely be a pretty amusing story-driven topic.

Assignment 2. I'm one of those people who gets inspired by everything around me, whether it's watching anime, playing RPGs, playing video games, listening to music on the radio, or even mishearing a sentence. There are millions of things going through my thoughts, and roughly 100 ideas come out of it for just one individual. So I don't really need a bank; my life is what motivates me. My dated days are filled with stories, and I get this suit to interact with. So I think I'm okay with inspiration.

Assignment 3. So, yes, art influences me, particularly anime and fantasy art, but also science fiction. So I have various image files, and I watch a lot of anime. Now I do all of my drawings myself, and I adore how my art has improved. I'm now playing a character whose drawing I just finished today, after doing his first one a year ago, and they look great together. So, yes, I have maps in my universe. I need to finish the South Pole and the North Pole. As will a continent called Astar, which is a meteor-destructed continent. Also attempting to figure out how I want to lay out my maps in world anvil.

Assignment 4 No, my interests have not changed, but my interested got new things that come out and I enjoy them all. So my interests and inspiration have not changed, but they have become newer and more plentiful. So my list is still valid, and I continue to be inspired by it; it only requires a slight update.

The last homework before summer camp.

Assignment 1 Changes are all over the world. It mostly depends on time. Writing about stuff in the past and setting up the present. Show the change know type change has been kingdom broader, people tradition and type magic and spell.

Assigment 2 Last week I cleaned my office and set it up. I already have time set aside and my family ready to help.

Assignment 3 My home page is set the best way I can. I am not sure I am that good at creating or opening. But It is my best at the moment

Assignmen 4 I will be working on my profile for the rest of the week and  give a better intro my self.

have fun getting ready for Summer Camp


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