The Bloom of Love

This is a holiday observed by two kingdoms in two distinct ways. It commemorates the blooming of the Crimson Blossom Flowers. This flower blooms once a year in the brightest and hottest season, summer. This holiday in Saint Oxford commemorates the day of love. "That love is rare and difficult to find, but it survives the year's end to bloom again and again. So even at the darkest times or the longest days, love will shine through and continue to flourish," said Alec Strongfield a Poet.

In the Bone Pearl Tribes, people learned about this celebration from the Kingdom of Saint Oxford. They celebrate this holiday very differently with their ideas of love. They celebrate this holiday as a way to grow the size of the tribes back in the day, and now it is a day of physical delights of all types.


Noble Annie Scott invented this festival to honor the lovely couples in her realm and her amazing hubby. That's because he proposed to her on the day with a beautiful Crimson Blossom that was freshly bloomed. Then, a year later, they married, but Lady Scott didn't only want them to celebrate their union; she wanted to celebrate everything, including love, which she considered the most essential. So they established this holiday to celebrate all the couples by having a picnic at the place where the flowers blossom, which spread throughout the entire Kingdom and grew into what it is today.

About 50 years later, this celebration has developed its own traditions and customs since its inception. Delicate from the Bone Pearl Tribes came to aid in the defense of Treasure Hill, and we're here during the celebration. They learned everything they could and then told their homeland about it, but their own beliefs and ideas distorted the holiday. Fortunately for them, they also have Crimson blossom flowers blooming along their boundary. So once a year, this is honored by converting the blossoms into an aphrodisiac and having close and intimate fun as a pair or group.


Saint Oxford Starts the celebration weeks before the Crimson Blossom blooms, so you can get everything ready. The first thing someone will do is invite someone to the event. If they say yes, it's time to get ready for the holiday. They'll need to decide where they are going to have their picnic. In the fields of crimson Blossom or find a lovely area to enjoy it, depending on where they are in the country. The next step was for one or both of the couples to go hunting for food to demonstrate their love by being willing to go catch their own sustenance. There are butchers and restaurants in town that will clean and cut for you for a good price this time of year. They'll also need to find some delicious herbal tea and cake to accompany their lunch.

On the day of the event, leave before the sun comes up. Head to the location they specified. Nobles will have a setup will be with tables and chairs, whilst the common folk will have blankets and mats to sit on and enjoy. Set out the food and tea, then enjoy each other's company while waiting for the flowers to bloom or the sunrise. These flowers blossom at daybreak and stay in bloom for the rest of the day. After the flowers bloom or the sun rises, most couples will express how much they love one another. It has become customary to recite poems or write a love letter for them. Then they'll spend the remainder of the day together, celebrating their love.

Bone Pearl Tribes do things a little differently. The tribe or group leader will pick up a location for the celebration. They'll send their hunters out to collect the food for the event. Then, on the day of setup, the team will go to the field and put everything up. After the Crimson Blossom blooms, it will be gathered and turned into a drink. They believe that the Crimson Blossom drink will allow them to continue enjoying the celebration all day.

Everyone who wants to celebrate will gather at noon. When everyone arrives, they will be offered drinks and cookies. They will all stand in a circle, as a lucky individual had been chosen and instructed to deliver this speech. Their species goes something like this: "We've assembled here to appreciate the love and happiness that the tribe has and will continue to provide for us. Let us celebrate this great time and happy moments of passion and love." Basher said, This is certainly one of the cleanest renditions I've ever heard, and they do get much more detailed.

Following the speech, they will drink and eat the cookie. Most of them will begin to attend school and enjoy each other's company. While others will cook and prepare food. The whole party will trade out and do different stuff for the rest of the day, enjoying the entire party experience.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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