The Last Book of Ritz

The Last Book of Ritz is a 50-page book about a large-scale ritual that is still not fully understood. Ritz was a strong magician who created rituals that both benefited and harmed the planet. She created some of the most powerful sealing spells for capturing dragons. Create a ceremony that spread a scourge of the common cold, paralyzing an entire kingdom for weeks. So when you locate one of her books, in a random place. You never know what you will get and why it was there. The last volume is her most elaborate and contentious ritual to yet. Nobody knows what or why she created this book, or what it can do.

This book depicts three huge circles in remarkable detail. They each require a variety of exotic components sourced from throughout the world. Some of the ingredients are different hues of dragon scales. The phoenix feather is red, white, and orange. The eye of a Kraken contains several additional rare elements. They must also be performed by varying numbers of persons for each circle (3, 8, 23). Each of these circles should be placed in places with big lay line points. Making this a nearly impossible task to even attempt.

This ritual is expected to either increase the world's mana or absorb all of it in order to destroy it. The debate continues over whether Ritz was insane or genius to organize such a ritual. Was he attempting to preserve the planet from something unseen? Scholars, mages, and others debate the points raised, as well as what the author intended and what the ritual could truly accomplish. Some believe the book is a code that hiding the ral strong ritual that could be carried out. So the argument over the ritual and Ritz's intentions will continue for the foreseeable future.
Manual, Magical / Occult

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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