The Silent Tongue

You discovered a map of secret treasure below a Mountain in a deep cave. You get to the mentioned location and see nothing just darkness even the light does not pass through it. You tried to push go in the darkness, and then you came straight back out as if you'd never been through the darkness. You worked on the ritual and incantations for hours, hoping to dispel the darkness. It took you so long that your light went out, and you were completely in the dark. That's when what appears to be a word or phrase begins to light just enough to be visible. It was written in a language you had never seen before or heard of. You grab your torch and start to light it so you can see better, but it's gone.

The Silent Tongue is a secret code used by high-ranking members of the Sacred Church of Yami . It is a goddess' blessing intended to aid her and her followers protect themselves and the world. Legend has it that when the church's leaders were just starting out, they discovered a technology that could be used to help a large number of people in need or, in the wrong hands, might harm a large number of people. They shut it away in the mountain, protecting it with multiple layers of charms that would veil it and make it hard to detect or see. The goddess Yami then gave them away so that the magic might be locked within a code written in the darkness. The code would not allow any dark spells to be broken or stop working until the question was answered. which could only be seen in the dark.

This code could also not be rewritten anyplace but in darkness. So they'll message each other in the shadows. They may write and transmit messages to each other by writing in their own shadows. This was the other part of Yami's blessing for them. The scariest aspect of this language and talent is not writing through shadows or on darkness. If you ever attempted to teach someone outside of the faith or inform them about the code. You will lose the capacity to use or understand code, as well as the ability to communicate with your tongues. The goddess Yami dislikes revealing secrets and unfulfilled promises.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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Aug 24, 2024 21:56

A magical language! And shinny too. Both the language itself and its role are very interesting.