War Over Treasure Hill Military Conflict in Elema | World Anvil

War Over Treasure Hill

This fight began after another discovery of Treasure Hills . After defeating the huge green dragon, the Kingdom of Saint Oxford tries to keep it secret. They believed that the nation Bone Pearl would launch a verbal attack, so they reached an agreement to work together to clean the dragon caverns. A few months later, word spread about this cave. Traxgion assumed Saint Oford would be weak after battling with a dragon. They declared that a portion of Treasure Hill was their domain and attacked.

Unfortunately for Traxgion, both Saint Oxford and Bone Pearl have an army protecting that territory. So when the attack occurred, it was still unexpected, but they were adequately prepared. The war continued for several months. Neither side made any advancement, and several soldiers lost their life on both sides.

When Saint Oxford had had enough, he issued a warning to Traxgion to quit their animosity and return to their lands, or these wars would end as the dragon's life did. A unique army faction that dealt with the Green Dragon. They had finally recovered enough strength to help the army. This unit was trained to deal with massive monsters. Their training also included underlying orthodontic combat style as well as coping with big areas of multiple monsters. They were known as The Monster Brewed Unit.

When they hit the field, or more precisely, the traps and unconventional message forced the army back. Witch allowed the regular army to clean up and move up the line of engagement. After a few weeks of destroying Traxion army and let had no place to hide. They had made it to the Kingdom of Traxgion territory. Eventually, having no way to win, the king of Traxgion surrendered. Both Bone Pearl and Saint Oxford took land as reparations for the conflict.
Conflict Type

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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