Zin Hunter Guild

Zin Hunter is an organization that eradicates horrors and unnaturals from the darkest parts of the world. They are professional hunters, that hinter and eradicate undead, creatures from metaphysical and the corrupted. They specialize in eliminating monsters not of our world or something that was created that should never have existed. They are very skilled experienced their job, and found a way to fighting these animals without the gods or goddesses' blessing. So, if you ever meet one, be grateful they're on Elemas' side, and you might even feel sorry for the monster they're going to destroy.


The organization is divided into several sections so that they can function independently. That way, if one falls or is destroyed, the others will be able to survive and continue their fight. The circuit will later have four support in his right under him, so as the leader of ever taken out, there are four additional person ready to go. So each sec contains approximately 5 leaders, and the rest of the personnel are divided into units that work together to complete certain tasks and hunts.


They are a structured serious organization. So, for the most part, they accept their training and integrate it into their daily lives. So, like any other mercenary or military organization, They are serious, rough, and a bit belligerent.

The first and most important requirement for everyone. They need to have or want to tie themselves to the real world. It could be friends, sports, gardening, or anything that has some form of connection or contact with others, even if it's just one person. Most people would consider this a weakness, but they require it. They will see the entire dark side of the world, including the corrupt, the undead, and the horrors of this world. If they don't have something that ties them to the world, they'll lose what they're fighting for as well as themselves. They will get a day every two weeks to go do this as long as they are not on an important mission.

The second thing happens when they leave the base and encounter another hunter. They must introduce themselves, including their name and the base in which they are located, and then ask a question regarding how to destroy or deal with a monster. This works for two reasons. First, if they don't know the answer, they can learn something new to add to their repertoire. The second is that once they know it, they can recall and retain it, which keeps all forms of information fresh in their minds.

Public Agenda

The public perceives them in one of two ways: monster hunters who have gone off the rails and are dangerous, or hunters who have protected us from the evil and darkness of the world. They are notorious for killing some of the world's most terrifying and bizarre monsters. no matter how see them you know they are one the great groups that here stop evil.


All began when a large bunch of Ghouls descended on the village, slaughtering and eating everyone. Only five youngsters survived that night. They had a front-row seat to the horror. They received thanks to Hikari's paladin, who took in the children. She raised them to be capable of caring for themselves and one another, even training them in combat. She even asked them if they wanted to join the church, but they all fired back, saying that the gods and goddesses did not help us and that we needed to find our own way. So, all five of them were training and learning how to prevent the undead from doing this again.

They ultimately became adventurous and joined a guild, and they learned more of the world's evil side. They encountered necromancers, vampires, Fey, and even a corrupted man just to name a few monsters they encountered during their long career as adventurous. They gathered a great deal of expertise and knowledge because they kept looking for thought jobs. thought time kept moving on they realised they were not getting any longer and their a lot of monsters out there. They decided to form their own group to deal with the world's darkness. They wanted to share their knowledge and prepare others to deal with all of this. So they started the Zin Hunters.

When monster go bump in the night we are the one that bump back

Guild, Adventuring

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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