Brooker's Angels Organization in Elemaran | World Anvil
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Brooker's Angels

I've seen the Angels in action once. It's incredible to see. The men that make up their ranks have a certain practicality that you don't see in official fighting forces. An unbiased view of the world that knows no nation is perfect. That said, they remain fiercely loyal to the king, and a force to be reckoned with for enemies of Erdantia and its crown.
— S
Brooker's Angels are an elite group of mercenaries operating in the Kingdom of Erdantia, more specifically the Peninsula of Erdantia. They often work closely with Erdantia's military, supporting its ranks with veteran soldiers.   They are unique in that they are the only group of Erdantian knights not directly affiliated with Erdantia's military. They belong to the knightly order the Order of Tyler, which also contains the New Guard and the Old Guard.


Brooker's Angels have a paramilitary structure, organised into groups of twenty, led by a Sergeant. Each group has a five-man logistics team. Overall, there are three groups in Brooker's Angels, one of which is permanently assigned to assisting Thorn's military.

Equipment, uniform and weaponry

The Angels are easily recognisable by their purple cloth Paul drone worn over the left shoulder, although officers and knights wear a purple cape. They wear chainmail and linen armour with some plate armour on key areas, like the upper torso and right shoulder. The average soldier in Brooker's Angels will carry a small square shield and a short spear. The shield attached to the arm rather than held, and an indent in the left hand side means that the spear can. be held in both hands with or without the shield.


The group dates back to the return of Richard Tyler and overthrowing of Garlan Tyler. Brooker's Angels, then the Brooker Arms Company, were a group of eighteen swords-for-hire that was hired as the personal guards of Richard during his takeover. After successfully protecting him from two assassination attempts, and leading the storming of Renn Castle, each of them were decorated and Brooker's Angels received a huge reward. A large portion of this reward went towards the improvement of their equipment and the recruitment of new combatants. Each of the original seventeen received a knighthood and the leader, Orland Brooker, was granted a large tract of land in Osteen. It was at this time that the group changed names from "The Brooker Arms Company" to "Brooker's Angels". Today, they participate in a mixture of military support and defence roles. They maintain a presence in Eastern Erdantia, where they take up tasks such as protecting traders travelling through Kivrid from aggressive Treents and defending the city of Erial from raids. They are also capable at law enforcement, and act as a police force within Erial, hired to do so by the local guilds.
Military, Mercenary Group
Training Level
Veterancy Level


Mercenaries from Brooker's Angels are typically recruited from military roles or from other mercenary organisations. They are expected to be capable fighters, with a good combat record, have a solid understanding of laws surrounding mercenaries and private security in Erdantia, and be able to follow orders well. The initiation process is incredibly grueling.

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