Lieutenant Kael Hart Character in Elemaran | World Anvil
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Lieutenant Kael Hart

Lieutenant Kael Hart

Lieutenant Kael Hart is a soldier assigned to the Cambion Extermination Devision, the division the Kingdom of Erdantia's Military assigned to killing Cambions. The division was set up by the Cambion Extermination Decree. Lieutenant Hart leads the fourth of the five squads in the division, and reports to Captain Thomas Ross, the head of the division. He has been recently diverted from active service in the division to fight in the War of Eserae, as have so many members of specialist divisions.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Kael uses the Anti-Cambion crossbow, along with a sword.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kael was born in Sinco into a family of merchants from Eina and had a reasonable upbringing. He dreamt to join the military to contribute to the war against Gaen. After joining the military, he began to prove himself as a good soldier and amazing leader. He rose to Lieutenant. As with many other people in specialist divisions, he was suspended from service in the Cambion Extermination Division to fight in the the War of Eserae in 1588.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lieutenant in Thorn's military.
Light Blue
Mid-length grey hair. This hair colour is common among the people of the northern colonies of Erdantia where he comes from.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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