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Anyang Rheire

Fire Heir Anyang Rhe (a.k.a. the scorched mess)

Anyang lives in Carol's shadow. The younger of King Quake's two daughters. Skilled in creating and throwing Fire Elementia balls. She misses her parents. She blames the Grand Royal for their deaths in the final Grand Elemental Council. Anyang feels like she doesn't have anyone but herself.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Skilled pyromancer: creating and throwing fire balls

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sovereign Quake Rheire and his queen began their rule over the territory of Fire before Anyang or her sister Carol's birth. Their birth made them the heir and the heir to spare respectively. At 7, her parents disappeared after they left for what was to be the final Grand Elemental Council. She was left with a fiery hatred for the world for taking them away and for the new Grand Royal for coming too late to stop it. Anyang watched them groom her older sister to one day rule. She herself was taught to fight with bow and staff, the weapons of Fire. She doesn't get along with Carol. She believes the worst of people.


Taught by Fire King until his death Then taught by Fire Royals Trained in Elementia by both parents, then Fire Royals

Accomplishments & Achievements

Skilled at Elementia Can create and throw fireballs Skilled with a bow and arrows Skilled with a bow-staff

The queen of Fire's sister could be called fearless or reckless. Those around her have deemed her the schorched mess. Driven by her emotion and sense of injustice.

View Character Profile
17 At Beginning
Date of Birth
3 AN

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