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Ben Hogh

Ben Hogh

Ben is the worrier of the group. He was the best athlete in high school when he was under water but fear stops him from joining things with people. He goes to ? college with Mara and Maya on a Water Polo scholarship. His family wouldn't have been able to send him there otherwise. He gets good enough grades to keep his scholarship. All the time he doesn't spend with on homework, at practice, or with Maya he spends in front of a TV screen. Sitcom, horror, musical. You name it, he's seen it. Sometimes he watches with Maya but she prefers to read. With the TV still on!

Physical Description

Special abilities

Skilled with a whip (uses two)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nair and Retaw conceived Ben in normal times. They fled to Earth after The Nothing in fear for their baby's future. There they gave birth to a smiling blue-eyed boy. Ben's parents were all worries and helicopters when he was young. And they were always around. He was free for a couple of hours a day, in the night hours his parents sleapt. It was in those hours he watched TV. Saved By The Bell was his favorite. A few more than a few years later, he was trusted to walk the few blocks to the movie theater alone. His parents often complained of all his time and money going to "watching other people". Maya spoke to Ben for the first time in line at the movies after they had run into each other there several times. He thought she was hot. Friends for life. He knows Maya's mom and sister and even her sister's hot boyfriend pretty well. Maybe not the hot boyfriend as much as he wishes he does. Doog is scary. Ben has always loved the water. When he joined Water Polo in high school, he found himself. He finally liked his body and people started noticing him. It's scary, people noticing him. He doesn't talk to them unless they talk to him. He just talks to Maya and his parents. The best parents he could want, though worry-warts they are. His mom just left for her first work-trip. He's used to his dad going on these but he's worried for his mom. He hopes she won't be gone a while, she wasn't sure. His dad is doing the best he can to hold down the fort and Ben's doing the best he can to accept his efforts. Maya and Mara tried to convince him to dorm at college like them but the idea of being away from his parents every day worried him.

Gender Identity





High School Graduate Some College


Works at the movie theater

Accomplishments & Achievements

Graduated high school marries Maya father to Bandito Water Ruler

Mental Trauma

Beloved Mom dies in Krad's War. Wife goes crazy. Won't be able to raise/won't know his son

Personality Characteristics


Wants to make his parents and friends proud of him. Scared of letting people down and scared of being on his own.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Maya (cute friend), Likes Doog (Maya's sister's cute boyfriend), Likes water, Likes Water Polo, Dislikes crowds, Dislikes decisions, Dislikes being alone, Loves his parents, Likes TV, Dislikes reading, Dislikes running, Likes swimming, Dislikes talking, Likes listening


Contacts & Relations

Retaw Palsh-Hogh-Mom Nair Hogh-Dad Maya Curran/Stoll/Ekl-Best friend/Wife Bandito Hogh-Son Mara Curran/Ekl-Sister in law Tide Hogh-Grandpa Scorpio Palsh-Uncle Shade Ekl-Nephew Goldie Ekl-Nephew Hawk Ekl-Nephew Dolfina Prah-Palsh-Aunt

Family Ties

Retaw Palsh-Hogh-Mom Nair Hogh-Dad Maya Curran/Stoll/Ekl-Best friend/Wife Bandito Hogh-Son Mara Curran/Ekl-Sister in law Tide Hogh-Grandpa Scorpio Palsh-Uncle Shade Ekl-Nephew Goldie Ekl-Nephew Hawk Ekl-Nephew Dolfina Prah-Palsh-Aunt

Religious Views

Didn't use to be religious, now worships Elemental Pantheon, especially Water.

Social Aptitude

Popular, quiet, shy.

Wealth & Financial state

Grew up in an apartment, not a lot of money. Wore basic shorts and T-shirts and jeans. Had basic shoes. In Resistance, poor. As Royal, wealthier.

The noble, quiet friend. He loves internally and worries loudly. Worries about being the center of attention.

View Character Profile
Noble Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Water Ruler Father of Bandito Husband of Mara
20 (At Beginning)
Date of Birth
Around The Nothing
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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