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Doog Shaw

Doog Shaw

He leads three lives: loyal son of a dictator, high ranking leader of rebels, and sexy mysterious boyfriend of a born queen. Not even he knows which life is real. Only that he must lead them or be left behind. He must earn his mom's love, lie for his allie's trust, and erase himself for the girl he loves. With all three lives converging, which will he choose?

Physical Description

Special abilities

Skilled with words. Deep, sexy voice. Unskilled shadowmancer. Skilled with an axe and a club.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Krad Shaw, daughter of Lord of Light Dorian Shaw and Earth Royal Krad Stoll gave birth to Doog a couple of years before The Nothing. The father is unknown. Krad Shaw spent most of her time as Queen Sineya Ekl who was Noxe of the Grand Palace and Sound's handmaiden. She left Doog with Dorian. When Krad Stoll was killed and Krad Shaw became an outlaw, Doog became Wanted. Krad Shaw placed him intp her aunt's care before fleeing to Earth with two new wards. Queen Kor Stoll of Earth raised Doog. None but Krad, Kor, and her brother Byson knew of Doog's true bloodline. He was just Kor's ward. Doog no-last-name.   He and Kor visited Krad on Earth often from the time he turned 10 on. Kor drilled into him that nothing of the Elemental Territories could be revealed to any on Earth. Not even Krad's wards Mara and Maya. Although he never had much to say to the two girls about his own life, they love telling him about theirs. Doog is a people-person. Of course he listens. He's always felt bad lying to them. Krad told them that Doog is Kor's son. That he went to a high school nearby. He told them that he's in a college near theirs studying pre-med.   His "school time" is spent within the Resistance. His experience training with Queen Kor makes him a valuable club swinger. His experience living as the Earth Queen's ward makes him a qualified and well-known diplomat. He has/should have an unskilled Earth ability. Something to do with the club?   His shadowmancing is best kept hidden. He has lived in Earth since he was little, has had little time with Krad or any other Darks, and as such doesn't have any skill in shadowmancing anyway.   Mara pursued a relationship with him a couple of years ago that he couldn't find a reason to say no to. She was beautiful and smart and athletic. They kissed often, made out less, and nothing else. Through this, her sister opened up to him. They grew closer.   He reports all information of the Resistance and Mara to Krad and Kor.

Gender Identity



Closeted Gay.


Was trained in club swinging by Queen Kor of Earth from the age of 5 and up until he turned 15/16 and was sent to The Resistance. Learned more than the required histories of The Elemental Territories from great historian Kor.


Works in The Resistance

Accomplishments & Achievements

Joined The Resistance Mastered Club Swinging Successfully Shadowmanced At Low Skill Level

Failures & Embarrassments

Can't reach higher than Low Skill Level Earth Elementia

Morality & Philosophy

Do what it takes to survive.

Personality Characteristics


He obeyed Kor if he wanted food and shelter. He has learned to do what he is told by Kor and Krad. Nothing matters but his life. He has never been loved.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Fighting.


Contacts & Relations

Mara Curran/Ekl-Girlfriend Krad Shaw-Mom Kor Stoll-Foster/Great Aunt Maya Curran/Ekl/Stoll-Aunt/Friend Marc-Future Boyfriend Dorian Shaw-Grandpa Krad Stoll-Shaw-Grandma Coal Stoll-Great Grandpa

Family Ties

Krad Shaw-Mom Kor Stoll-Foster/Great Aunt Maya Curran/Ekl/Stoll-Aunt/Friend Dorian Shaw-Grandpa Krad Stoll-Shaw-Grandma Coal Stoll-Great Grandpa

Religious Views

Grew up in an Earth worshipping household. Worships Elemental Pantheon. Kind of worships Dark and Earth Gods. Likes Fire Gods.

Social Aptitude

Social, well-spoken.

Wealth & Financial state

Unwealthy under Dorian, wealthy under Kor, had enough in the Resistance, probably dies

Sexy, angsty dutiful son. His first priority is his mom's will, then his role as rebel leader, and finally his girlfriend and her friends. He's stretched thin but he loves all three almost as much as he needs to do them.

View Character Profile
Noble Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
23 At Beginning
Date of Birth
BN 3
Current Residence
The Resistance
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightskin Black

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