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Bob Stoneheart

Name: Bob Stoneheart Description: Bob Stoneheart, a stalwart dwarf with a weathered face etched with the scars of battles long past, stands at a compact but formidable height. His sturdy build, adorned with armor that bears the marks of both craftsmanship and combat, attests to his years of service as a soldier in The United Alium Company. Bob's beard, a cascade of fiery red, is meticulously braided, a nod to the discipline and order he holds dear.   Background: A veteran of The Winged Serpents Vanguard, Bob Stoneheart fought alongside comrades like Ysmir, Aesmir, and Baldrik in the tumultuous Wasteland Wars. The tragic day that changed everything is forever etched in his memory—a mysterious fireball claiming the life of Aesmir and arrows piercing the hearts of his closest friends. In the chaos, Bob believed Ysmir to be lost as well.   Personality: Bob is a soldier through and through, driven by a strong sense of duty and camaraderie. Despite the weight of loss on his shoulders, he remains resolute and unwavering in his commitment to doing what is right. His word is his bond, and once he makes a promise, he will stop at nothing to fulfill it. Beneath his gruff exterior lies a heart that mourns the loss of his friends and seeks justice for the fallen.   Bob's first hand account of the battle of the Wastelands: "Damn, where do I even start? That day... it was hell itself, unfolded right before our eyes. We were with the United Alium Company, part of the Winged Serpents Vanguard. Months of bloody fighting, pushing back those Wastelanders, and there we were, on the cusp of victory. King Remy Blackridge, that iron-willed bastard, called for a frontal charge, and he led it himself, like some hero out of an old tale. Me, Ysmir, Aesmir, and Baldrik were right at the damn frontlines. We were winning, pushing 'em back, making ground like heroes in a saga.   But then, by all the gods, our own skies betrayed us! Fireballs and arrows, raining down like a cursed storm, but not from the enemy – from our own bloody ranks! Baldrik... poor Baldrik didn't stand a chance. A fireball hit him square on, and just like that, he was gone, incinerated before our eyes.   Once that hellish smoke cleared, those Wastelanders were on us, like scavengers on a carcass. Aesmir, tough as nails he was, fell to his knees, riddled with arrows. He didn't make a sound, just looked at me with eyes that knew it was the end.   The fight went on, but what's the use of bravery when death's raining from your own side? Ysmir, he fought like a demon, but even demons fall. He went down, and I... I dragged him out of there, hoping against hope. But he was already gone, his light snuffed out in this senseless slaughter.   When the dust settled, they said King Blackridge had fallen too. The world lost its damn mind that day, I swear.   After that? I couldn't stay. Left the army, left that life behind. You see, when you watch your brothers fall, when you taste the betrayal in the air, nothing's the same again. I thought I'd lost you all – Ysmir, Aesmir, and Baldrik.   But then, years later, by some stroke of fate or sheer dumb luck, I ran into you, Ysmir. Seeing you alive, it was like seeing a ghost, but in the best damn way. It brought back a piece of me I thought was lost on that cursed battlefield. I couldn’t believe it. You, standing there, battered but breathing.   It didn’t change what happened, didn’t bring back Aesmir or Baldrik, but it gave me something to hold onto. A flicker of hope in a world gone dark. We've been through the depths of hell, you and I. Lost too much, seen too much. But here we are, still standing.   Ysmir, you surviving that day, it's a reminder. A reminder that even in the darkest times, there's a chance for something... something like a new beginning. It doesn't fix the past, but it's a start, a damn good one."

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