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1780 AC (After Creation)

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A beautiful world teeming with life, vast sprawling plains, dangerous clusters of Jungles and harsh, unforgiving wastelands all cover the surface of Elerium, amongst many other landscapes. Many different races adorn Elerium, from the stalwart Dawrfes to mystical Elves to dejected Tiefings. While some races choose to keep to themseves in confined communities, Settlements known as Bale Towns have appeared more frequently as Half-Breeds unite their once distant parents.   At first, these Bale Towns were prosperous as the different traits of each race were brought together, however, over time, schisms and issues cropped up. Different lifespans meant that the economy was evershifting and traditions caused clashes, which resulted in minor skirmishes that eventually escalated into full scale war. Dwarfes fought with Elves, Humans with Orcs, Dragonborns with Tieflings and the once peaceful realm of Elerium was plagues with conflict. Once again, it fell upon the shoulders of the Half-Breeds to unite their families, leading to a White Peace. Yet, the damage was done. Many races chose to return to their secluded communities and Bale Towns fell apart, resulting in a majority population in many cities.   Whilst the Gods tended to keep away from meddling in mortal lives, occasionally they would either come down to Elerium from the Deitous Plane or foster a champoin to cultivate the worship of them. One main reason the Deities keep in their own realm is to hold the Tritions in a prison of their own creation in order to stop the colapse of the Weave and every realm that is controlled by it. Despite thier best efforts, these Tritions (Once Deaities who attempted to seize ultimate control) can let parts of themselves bleed through the weave, calling out to those in want of power and wealth to serve them.