Calanthia The Goddess of Nature and Growth Character in Elethia | World Anvil
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Calanthia The Goddess of Nature and Growth

The Goddess of Nature and Growth, who nurtures the wilderness and blesses those who care for it. She is a pillarstone in druidic culture and knowledge, and her followers believe that a part of her exists in every part of nature.   Calanthia is believed to be the god with the highest amount of demi-gods beneath her. They say there is one such demi-god for each biome in the world, acting as their guardian. Each of these Guardians being more of a legend than something actually confirmed. Those who believe that the guardians exist believe that they are the children of Calanthia and other great beings. They say that upon receiving the mark of one of these guardians makes the animals from their domain consider you as one of their own.

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