Dreamscape Geographic Location in Elethia | World Anvil
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The place dreamers visit while they dream, where the dreams of everyone are manifested. Ancient documents speak of people who physically visited the dreamscape, but because of the unpredictable nature of the dreamscape, not many have tried to reach the dreamscape since then. The Dreamscape is in constant change, based upon the dreams of the mortals. The more people have pleasant dreams, the more the dreamscape is bright and colorful. But the more people have nightmares, the more dark and monotone the dreamscape gets.   People's dreams manifest in the dreamscape, and the stronger the emotions the dreams trigger are, the stronger and longer the lifespan of the manifested dreams. This is the home of the most horrifying monsters, but also the most pleasant of beings.   It is ruled by Allynna the Goddess of Dreams who competes with Kali the Goddess of Nightmares over territory and power. Followers of Allynna call Kali "The Invader of the Dreamscape", but many believe that Kali has the same right to the Dreamscape as Allynna.  
Dimensional plane

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