Noz'droth, the Terror of the Skies Character in Elethia | World Anvil
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Noz'droth, the Terror of the Skies

One of the most famous children of Zethiras the God of Rage, a gigantic monstrosity of a dragon which has struck terror in the hearts of mortals for longer than anyone can remember. Countless ancient texts have been translated that contain his legends, and each text makes him more and more terrifying. It is said he is large enough to be able to swallow adult dragons whole.   Some say he is the oldest of the direct descendants of Zethiras, but today it is impossible to know for sure. Though due to his incredible size, he is by far one of the more terrifying ones.   Legends say he ruled the skies and was powerful enough to even fight head to head with Haizea the God of Storms. Though one night he mysteriously vanished, and mortals fear the day when he will return to the world.   FAMILY TREE NOT AVAILABLE
Divine Classification
Currently Held Titles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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