Sopheia the Goddess of Knowledge Character in Elethia | World Anvil
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Sopheia the Goddess of Knowledge

The Goddess of Knowledge, rumored to be the keeper of all knowledge within the multiverse. The one who answers those who are worthy, and the diety of many scholars and researchers. She is said to be a being of great grace who brings knowledge to her most dedicated followers.   Before her ascension, when she was brought to the world by Ellania The Goddess of Creation, she was fascinated by the being that was Ellania. Mainly how she turned her destructive power which destroyed everything around her into something beautiful which was the world she had created. Why was the things Ellania had created herself not destroyed by her touch? What was this strange new world she had been brought to? She dedicated her life to learning of what this new world had in store for her, becoming known as "Sopheia the All-Knowing". While the title was flattering, it frustrated Sopheia, because she knew that she was truly not all-knowing. There were things she did not know, things she wanted to learn. Even until this day, there are mysteries she has yet to solve; what is this being she known as Ellania The Goddess of Creation? How does a being of her caliber come into existence? And what truly awaits beyond the veil of this world?   She travelled the world, spreading knowledge on how lives could be improved. She built libraries in major towns and wrote books which today have been destroyed or lost by the many disasters that have occured since then. Once she recieved her Blessing from Ellania, The Seekers of the Blessing came to her and her acolytes, seeking her wisdom on the blessing and Ellania. Though Sopheia could see that their intentions were not pure and refused to assist them. As a result, The Seekers of the Blessing murdered Sopheia's acolytes in cold blood while they slept.   Knowing what they had done, Sopheia partnered up with Allenia and Naariel, who had also recieved Ellania's blessing and they made a plan to take down The Seekers of the Blessing. With Sopheia's knowledge of the organization, Naariel's strategical combat and Allena's army they took down The Seekers of the Blessing.   From there, Sopheia travelled on her own. She wanted to understand the world and she wanted to understand Ellania. She was the only one of those who ascended who sat down with Ellania and heard her story, and with that in mind she nicknamed whatever race Ellania is an "Immortal". She knows that Ellania was created by something greater and she hopes to learn what that is, alongside the other secrets of the multiverse.  

Divine Domains

Holy Books & Codes

Tutelage for The Enlightened,
The Scriptum,
The Revelation of Sopheia,
The Seekers Tome,
A Glimpse of Deeper Understanding

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A pendant that looks like a small book with flowers and a small bird adorning its front cover.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sopheia the All-Knowing
Currently Held Titles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations

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