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The Legal Code of Elladonia

  1. The Code
  2. Administration & Jurisdiction
    1. Appointment of Agents
      • Ennobled Individuals
      • Justices
      • City Watch
      • Military Personnel
  3. Crimes against the Crown
    1. Violence
      • Against body
      • Against property
    2. Treason
    3. Sedition
    4. Theft
      • Of property
      • Kidnapping
    5. Slander/Libel
    6. Contempt
  4. Crimes against Nobility
    1. Violence
      • Against body
      • Against property
    2. Sedition
    3. Theft
      • Of property
      • Kidnapping
    4. Slander/Libel
    5. Contempt
  5. Crimes against the Gods
    1. Violence
    2. Theft
    3. Desecration
    4. Profanity
  6. Crimes against Commoners
    1. Violence
      • Against body
      • Against property
    2. Theft
      • Of property
      • Kidnapping
    3. Slander/Libel
  7. Criminal use of Magic
    1. Abjuration
    2. Conjuration
    3. Divination
    4. Enchantment
    5. Evocation
    6. Illusion
    7. Necromancy
    8. Transmutation
  8. Attempted Crimes
    1. Conspiracy
    2. Failed attempts
  9. Statutory Crimes
    1. Slavery
    2. Forgery
    3. Obstruction of Justice
    4. Littering
    5. Vandalism
    6. Disturbing the Peace
    7. Illegal Substances
    8. Counterfeiting
    9. Interference with Royal Tax Collectors
    10. Espionage

Article 1 - The Code

  1. Being that Their Majesty, The Crown, maintains ultimate authority within Their Demesne, it has been Decreed as Right and Just that this Code (Hereinafter referred to as “The Code” or “Code”) shall exist to assist in its governances.
  2. Being that the righteousness of this Code exists as an extension of the Royal righteousness, this Code shall be considered the supreme authority on all legal decisions, excepting decrees from The Crown.
    • Interpretation of this Code shall lie within the purview of The Crown, those entailed by The Crown, and magisters who speak with The Crown’s authority.

Article 2 - Administration & Jurisdiction

  1. The Chief Magister of The Code is The Crown. Within them is entrusted the Just, Right, and Faithful execution of its righteousness.
  2. Ennobled individuals shall execute the righteousness of The Crown’s authority within their respective demesne.
    • Ennobled individuals subservient to their betters are awarded administrative authority at their lieges’ discretion.
  3. Being that The Code is justly a unified system of laws, its applicability shall extend to all regions in Elladonia, therewithin shall be appointed magisters to assist in its execution.
  4. Magisters shall be appointed by The Crown, or appropriate ennobled individuals who carry Crown authority into their personal demesne.
    • Greatest of the magisters shall be the Judges
    • In equal standing shall be the Inquisitors
      • Lesser magisters may be appointed at the discretion of these High Officers, unless opposed by their ennobled individual
        • Lesser magisters shall firstly consist of members of the City Watch
          • Where magisters are otherwise impossible to consult, Military Rank shall dictate authority of individuals to exact the righteousness of The Crown
  5. The Jurisdiction of The Code extends to all lands, territories, holdings, encampments, title claims, etc. under the Kingdom of Elladonia

Article 3 - Crimes against The Crown

  1. Violence
    • All acts of violence against the Body of The Crown shall be punishable by death.
    • All acts of violence against the Property of The Crown shall be punishable by death.
    • Sexual Assault of any kind against The Crown is punishable by death.
  2. Treason
    • All acts of treason against The Crown shall be punishable by death.
  3. Sedition
    • All acts of sedition against The Crown shall be punishable by death.
  4. Theft
    • Theft of Crown property shall be punishable by death.
    • Kidnapping of The Crown or anyone of Royal birth shall be punishable by death.
  5. Slander/Libel
    • Malicious and/or False statements made to the detriment of The Crown shall be punishable by imprisonment or hard labor, confiscation of all property/titles, and exile.
  6. Contempt
    • Acts held to be in Contempt of The Crown shall be punishable by imprisonment or hard labor, or confiscation of all personal property/titles.

Article 4 - Crimes against Nobility

  1. Violence
    • Murder of an ennobled person is punishable by death.
    • Assault of an ennobled person is punishable with death, imprisonment or hard labor, or exile.
    • Sexual Assault of any kind against an ennobled person is punishable by death.
  2. Sedition
    • All acts of sedition against an ennobled person are punishable by imprisonment or hard labor, exile, and confiscation of all property.
  3. Theft
    • Theft of an ennobled persons property is punishable by imprisonment or hard labor, and a fine of up to double the value of the stolen property.
    • Kidnapping of an ennobled person shall be punishable by death, or imprisonment or hard labor.
  4. Slander/Libel
    • Malicious and/or False statements made to the detriment of an ennobled person are punishable by imprisonment or hard labor, up to 1 year, a fine of 50,000 gold pieces, or exile for no more than 3 years from the ennobled persons demesne.
  5. Contempt
    • Acts held to be in Contempt of an ennobled person shall be punishable by imprisonment or hard labor, or confiscation of all personal property/titles.

Article 5 - Crimes against the Gods

  1. The Crown as a Divine Representative
    • In recognition of the inherent support that The Crown derives from the Gods in maintaining mastery over the Kingdom, The Crown executes righteousness on behalf of the divine when appropriate.
      • The Crown may, in all cases listed hereafter, choose to delegate the punishment of a convicted criminal to a sect of the offended Deity/Deities.
      • Delegation does not forfeit The Crown’s right to punish the offender as well.
  2. Violence against the Gods
    • Acts of violence against the state-endorsed Gods, their servants, representatives, etc. are punishable by death, imprisonment or hard labor, and enforced servitude for up to 3 years.
    • Sexual Assault of any kind against the state-endorsed Gods, their servants, representatives, etc. is punishable by death.
  3. Theft of persons belonging to an official state-endorsed religious sect is punishable by imprisonment or hard labor, removal of the dominant hand as a sacrifice to the offended deity/deities, and a fine of up to 10,000 gold pieces.
  4. Theft of persons belonging to an official state-endorsed religious sect is punishable by imprisonment or hard labor, removal of the dominant hand as a sacrifice to the offended deity/deities, and a fine of up to 10,000 gold pieces.
  5. Desecration of a holy site of a state-endorsed deity/deities is punishable by whipping not to exceed 50 lashes, enforced servitude to the temple/sect of the offended deity/deities, and a fine equal to the necessary repair/consecration costs.
  6. Profaning a state-endorsed deity is punishable by a fine of 500 gold pieces, and indentured service to the offended deity/deities for no more than 3 months.

Article 6 - Crimes against Commoners

  1. Violence
    • Murder of a Commoner is punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment or hard labor, lashes to exceed no more than 50, and a fine of 10,000 gold pieces to be paid to the victims surviving family as recompense.
    • Assault of a Commoner is punishable by 6 months imprisonment or hard labor, and a fine of up to 5,000 gold pieces to be paid to the victim as recompense.
    • Sexual Assault of any kind is punishable by imprisonment for no more than 10 years, a fine of up to 5,000 gold pieces to be paid to the victim, and penitant labor up to 2 years.
  2. Theft
    • The illegal taking of property from a Commoner is punishable by 1 year in prison, a fine of up to twice the value of the property, and indentured labor for 6 months.
    • Kidnapping of a Commoner is punishable by 3 years in prison, a fine of up to 6,000 gold pieces to be paid to the victim as recompense, and 6 months indentured labor.
  3. Slander/Libel
    • Malicious and/or False statements made to the detriment of a Commoner is punishable by a fine of up to 1,000 gold pieces.

Article 7 - Criminal Use of Magic

  1. Abjuration
    • As Abjuration magic is generally defensive in nature, The Crown recognizes that it is difficult to cause harm with most of its known incantations.
    • Criminal uses of Abjuration magic shall include:
      • Casting of spells to assist a criminal enterprise
      • Creation of barriers to inhibit the execution of justice
      • The concealment of persons and objects involved in a crime
    • Criminal use of Abjuration magic is punishable by imprisonment for up to 6 years, the confiscation of all magical paraphernalia in the caster’s possession, and the forbidding of casting spells ever again.
  2. Conjuration
    • Criminal use of Conjuration magic shall include such acts as:
      • Losing control of a summoned creature
      • The contact of Devils, Demons, and other antagonistic extraplanar entities without express permission from The Crown or its delegated magistrates
      • Use of a summoned creature to commit, or assist in the comitance of a crime
        • For the purposes of legal interpretation, a caster is always deemed personally responsible, and liable, for the actions of their summoned creatures.
    • Criminal use of Conjuration magic is punishable by imprisonment for up to 20 years, the confiscation of all magical paraphernalia in the caster’s possession, and the forbidding of casting spells ever again.
  3. Divination
    • Criminal use of Divination magic shall include such acts as:
      • Spying on individuals without consent, and when not acting on the authority of a magistrate
      • Use of magic to assist in the comitance of a crime.
      • Attempting to, or claiming to use, Divination magic to learn the future/fate/destiny of The Crown, or any ennobled individual without their express permission.
    • Criminal use of Divination magic is individually punishable by imprisonment for up to 3 years, the confiscation of all magical paraphernalia in the caster’s possession, and the forbidding of casting spells ever again.
  4. Enchantment
    • Criminal use of Enchantment magic shall include such acts as:
      • Using charm effects without consent or authority.
        • A caster is considered legally liable/responsible for any individuals they enact a charm effect on.
      • Using fear effects on the general public.
      • Creation of magical items that are made specifically for the commission of a crime.
    • Criminal use of Enchantment magic is punishable by imprisonment for up to 10 years, the confiscation of all magical paraphernalia in the caster’s possession, the forbidding of casting spells ever again, and lashes to not exceed 20.
  5. Evocation
    • Criminal use of Evocation magic shall include such acts as:
      • Use of destructive spells to harm people and property without authority.
      • The aiding of criminals through the use of healing magics.
      • The obstruction of justice through the creation of barriers (wall of sand, etc) to hinder law enforcement or aid criminal activity.
    • Criminal use of Evocation magic is punishable by imprisonment for up to 20 years, the confiscation of all magical paraphernalia in the caster’s possession, the forbidding of casting spells ever again, and removal of the tongue, hands, and/or eyes.
  6. Illusion
    • Criminal use of Illusion magic shall include such acts as:
      • Befuddlement of the innocent, and law enforcement, to aid in a criminal act.
      • The causing of terror through illusory images.
      • The fraudulent sale/purchase of items through changing appearance to enhance/lower perceived value.
      • The counterfeiting of any currency.
      • The creation of terror through fear effects.
    • A caster is deemed liable for any/all activities of a Simulacrum or similar construct.
    • Criminal use of Illusion magic is punishable by imprisonment for up to 15 years, the confiscation of all magical paraphernalia in the caster’s possession, the forbidding of casting spells ever again, and exile up to 5 years.
  7. Necromancy
    • Criminal use of Necromancy magic shall include such acts as:
      • The creation of undead, without authority to do so.
      • The capture/manipulation of souls.
      • The creation of a flesh golem.
      • The incitement of public panic and fear due to Necromantic effects/actions.
    • Casters shall be considered responsible/liable for the acts of the undead they create/summon.
    • Criminal use of Necromancy magic is punishable by death, removal of body parts (such as hands, tongue, ears, eyes, etc.), and removal of ability to cast spells ever again.
  8. Transmutation
    • Criminal use of Transmutation magic shall include such acts as:
      • Creation of unregistered golems.
      • Destruction of property.
      • Unlicensed constructions.
      • Counterfeiting.
    • Casters shall be considered responsible/liable for the acts of the constructs they create/summon.
    • Criminal use of Transmutation magic is punishable by imprisonment up to 15 years, the confiscation of all magical paraphernalia in the caster’s possession, the forbidding of casting spells ever again, exile up to 5 years, and a fine modification equal to 5x the original fee.

Article 8 - Attempted Crimes

  1. Conspiracy
    • It is understood that the Magistrates, acting in faithful execution of their duties, may discover attempts to commit crimes that have yet to reach fruition.
    • When sufficient evidence of a plan to commit a crime is found, it shall constitute Conspiracy to commit that crime.
    • Conspiracy to commit a crime shall be punishable as if the actual crime had taken place.
  2. Failed Attempts
    • It is understood that criminal acts do not always succeed, regardless of magisterial interaction.
    • Being that it is righteous to punish criminals regardless of their competence, an attempt to commit a crime that results in failure shall constitute a Failed Attempt.
    • A Failed Attempt shall be punishable as if the crime had been executed effectively.

Article 9 - Statutory Crimes

Being that certain behaviors are considered to harm the common good, but do not directly threaten the well-being of citizens of Elladonia, the following acts are declared criminal to perform within the Jurisdiction of The Code.
  1. Owning, Buying, Transferring, & Selling of Slaves
    • It is understood that the act of Slavery in all forms is an abhorrence to the Righteousness of the Crown.
      • Slavery is punishable by death, imprisonment or hard labor, revocation of all titles/property, and exile.
    • Any individual who is found to knowingly participate in any facet of the act of Slavery shall be guilty of Slavery.
    • Any individual who negligently participates in any facet of the act of Slavery shall be guilty of Slavery by Proxy.
      • Slavery by Proxy is punishable by imprisonment or hard labor, revocation of all titles/property, and exile.
  2. Use of forgeries of official documents
    • The forging of official documents shall be punishable by removal of the dominant hand, a fine not exceeding the total property owned by the guilty, and imprisonment.
    • The use of forgeries of official documents shall be punishable by a fine of 50% of the property owned by the guilty, and imprisonment not to exceed 5 years.
  3. Obstruction of Justice
    • Obstruction of Justice shall be punishable by imprisonment not to exceed 2 years, and a fine not to exceed 10,000 gold pieces.
  4. Littering
    • Littering shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed 500 gold pieces.
    • Littering during public events, shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed 1,500 gold pieces.
  5. Vandalism
    • Vandalism shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed 3x the cost of repairs to the property.
  6. Disturbing the Peace
    • Disturbing the Peace shall be punishable by imprisonment up to 1 month, and a fine not to exceed 2,000 gold pieces.
  7. The creation of, distribution of, and consumption of illegal substances
    • The creation of, distribution of, and consumption of substances identical to, or similar to Feyroot shall be punishable by imprisonment not to exceed 6 months, and a fine of up to 6,000 gold pieces.
    • The creation of, distribution of, and consumption of substances identical to, or similar to Night Dust shall be punishable by imprisonment not to exceed 5 years, and a fine of up to 20,000 gold pieces.
  8. Counterfeiting
    • Counterfeiting coin of the realm shall be punishable by death.
    • Counterfeiting in other forms shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed 5x the value of the property counterfeited, or 3x the damages suffered as a result of the counterfeit, whichever is greater.
  9. Interference with the duties of a royal tax collector
    • Interference with the duties of a royal tax collector shall be punishable by imprisonment not to exceed 6 months.
  10. Espionage against the Kingdom of Elladonia
    • Espionage includes any/all activities undertaken with the purpose of weakening the political/economic/social fabric of the Kingdom for the purposes of strengthening a rival state’s relative position.
      • Espionage shall be punishable by death, or imprisonment or hard labor.

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