Ring of the Admiral Item in Elibe | World Anvil
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Ring of the Admiral

Cursed Item
While attuned to this item, the wearer feels as though they are about to be betrayed by those close to them. They may hear their friends whispering lies about them, they may hallucinate visions of someone coming to kill them. These feelings of dread and betrayal may persist for up to a day after the ring is unattuned.
This ring once belonged to Admiral Tahnon Goldor, of the Oshuan Navy. It was gifted to him by Queen Faral Rothenel as a reward for his years of faithful service. It is made of pure platinum, with a single black diamond. Regardless of the age of the ring, and the centuries it spent lost at the bottom of the ocean, the metal remains untarnished, and the diamonds glitter like they were polished yesterday.

It was lost when the Admiral fell in the Battle of Theramore, after being betrayed by his daughter. The blood curse he placed on her as he died left a lingering presence on the ring. His spirit infuses the bearer of the ring, giving them the air of one who wields the authority to command a thousand ships. However, it also taints the mind of the bearer, convincing them that their worst fears of betrayal are coming true, even going so far as to cause hallucinations of a silent assassin in the night.

While attuned to this ring, the presence of the Admiral gives you an air of authority. You have advantage on all Charisma (Persuasion) checks. As an action, you may speak the phrase "Beware the Daughter of the Sea" and designate a target. For one minute, your attacks against that target deal an additional 1d6 cold damage, and if the target is concentrating on a spell, it has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain its concentration. This ability recharges as the sun sets each day.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Artifact (requires attunement)

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Oct 1, 2019 18:42 by Ademal

I love the tradeoff the ring offers! Authority at the cost of rampant paranoia is great.

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