The Divide Military Conflict in Elium | World Anvil
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The Divide

The Divide is fifty years of conflict between Sanctum and Asylum through proxy battles between allied settlements and city-states. During this time, many aura-based powers and weapons were developed, tested, and used, forever changing the landscape of many of Elium's territories. Ironically, the main parties; Sanctum and Asylum received little to no damage within their borders.  

The Beginning

  It only took 50 years before the first seeds of conflict began to sprout. Border disputes, cultural miscommunications, old grudges made open...The emancipated Empyr citizens and the Subjugated had a tenuous peace aboard the Ark ship Nova Optima. Still, as they began establishing nations and settlements, there was little to keep them from interfering with each other. The 1st-class citizens knew only peace, unaware that beneath them the Empyr kept those who'd gone against them and lost. The survivors became collectively known as the Subjugated and lived in what could be described as an open prison. Thus, the two groups had lived drastically different experiences; one on the surface and one below it. When they finally met, it was during the Exodus event.   On Elium, they were allowed to resume what cultures and traditions had been removed from them during the time of Empyr. It was also when they learned which worlds capitulated and which ones rebelled. While the Archetypes tried to maintain peace among them, it was evident this was a major source of schism.  

Expansion Race & Conflict

  In the early years of Sanctum and Asylum's formation, there was a big push to claim as much territory as possible. Many other nations and settlements had just been established and did not have ties with either nation. On top of this, there was little understanding of how much the pole auras affected the people in the north and south hemispheres. The North was experiencing mass religious fervor which spurned many diplomatic missions, while the South was under a darker influence, desiring more control, dominance, and independence in their new situation. This led to a series of border conflicts and skirmishes that could barely be tracked or contained. The Archetypes were going into regenerative hibernation one by one, leaving the few surviving officers and leaders they had to deal with the situation. Unfortunately, those leaders were not immune to the effects of the poles either and also had civil, yet disruptive meetings on how to handle the situation. Soon, the only Archetype left who could deal with the conflicts directly was Maxxus and his health was failing fast. He would also have to enter hibernation soon or risk catastrophic function failure.
Conflict Type
Civil War


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