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Ranger Company

"There is something the humans have that scare us. It might sound ludicrous but it is possibly the only thing the humans have up their sleeves that can truly terrify us. Well other than The Undead Legion that is"   "And what may that be my stonebrained friend?"   "Rangers. Didn't you hear about the assassination of Lord Tarokus? They poisoned his beer with parasitic maggots that bred inside of him and tore their way out of him when they matured. Aurelius save us from such a fate"   Two Argonite soldiers discussing about the Imperial Rangers
A Ranger company is a group, usually between a hundred and 150 strong that is deployed when a very high risk threat occurs to the Imperium in one or more regions. It can be an enormous concentration of Argonites or perhaps seizing a chance to take back a region that has fallen to them with the help of human resistance fighters. Whilst it is extremely rare for a full ranger company to be deployed anywhere, even the mention of a full ranger company sends shivers down the bones of Argonite regulars. Moving silently and like shadows, these rangers cause chaos and disorder amongst even the most disciplined Argonite formations and no one, even an army commander is safe from the cold, dark blade of an Imperial ranger   A ranger company, unlike many other formations of the Ranger Order are usually mixed, with the rangers being from several different orders of the region. This only serves to make them deadlier, as the silent butchers of the Verdant Order assassinate and cause disruption amongst Argonite ranks whilst rangers from the Order of the Howling Moon ravage enemy camps, lead charges of human insurgents and brutally mutilate Argonite leaders and display them as trophies, so as to send a message that humanity will not back down



"A Hundred men? Thats too much for us. We could get the job done with a dozen"   "You do know that there aren't any of our kin to help us out? We are all alone. No reinforcements will arrive and no regular soldier will come to distract our enemies"   "Perfect then! We can shoot, slash, burn and murder recklessly! I haven"t had this much fun in years"   "Leave him be Elira. You know he's sort of a crackpot. An intelligent and strong one though. Both Invaluable and dispensable at the same time"   "Well i"ll show you who is really indispensable this time!" I can"t wait to sully my blade with their blood!"   A Conversation between three rangers before a raid on a large Argonite fortress
A Ranger company consists of anywhere between a hundred and one hundred fifty rangers. These rangers often come from various different orders of the wider ranger order, allowing them to adapt to multiple combat situations that a single order couldn"t handle. For example whilst Verdant Order Rangers did most of the assassinations and sabotage as well as forest warfare, rangers from the howling moon order could do more conventional battles owing to them carryign heavier weaponry and armor. Rangers from the Frozen Serpent Order can battle in cold and mountainous regions whilst those from the Sea Dragon order excel in insular regions.


"I tell you, this grappling hook is a damned godsend. I seriously love it. You can use it to climb mountains, cross ravines, pull food and foes alike towards you and oh you know just skewer them with it. My respect goes to the man who invented such a fine thing"   A Frozen Serpent Ranger, commenting on his grappling hook
The equipment used by rangers vary widely as well, with different orders using different pieces of equipment. Whilst almost all Verdant Order rangers use poisons, bows, whips and various herbs, only assassins of the howling moon order use them. Similarly, it is rare to find Verdant Order rangers swinging around greatswords and warhammers, as they are more used for subterfuge and stealth as well as causing chaos from within.   A few pieces of equipment are ubiquitous to all rangers however. These include the grappling hook, which is used by them for climbing steep surfaces as well as an improvised tool during combat, ropes which can be used for a multitude of tasks such as descending and also tying up enemies, bombs which are often used to cover their escape and last but not least, their building materials with which they can assemble rafts and other small waterfaring vessels in a relatively short amount of time. This provides them with a lot of flexibility and mobility and allows them to subsist on small amounts of resources and tailor made equipment for a long time


"Whats this?"   "An Axe you fuckhead. Good for felling trees and heads alike"   "Well thanks for the gift. Might come in handy when i feel like chopping a few heads off again. Been a long time of poisoning and slitting throats and i can"t wait to swing this around and see heads flying"   A ranger talking to his comrade after receiving an axe from him
Weapons used by the rangers may differ significantly, according to the order they belong to. Verdant Order Rangers usually use bows, twinblades, swords and in some cases war axes and glaives. Howling Moon rangers on the other hand are more focused on open combat and have known to wield longswords and greatswords, alongside using battleaxes and glaives at times. Their assassins however are similarly armed to those of other orders with small blades for fighting and knives for assassination. These weapons are also coated with poison or venom so as to ensure the chances of a successful kill   In high risk missions, rangers are known to carry bombs and also large weapons like greataxes and warhammers in case they need to fight their way out. This is usually during missions where they have to rescue some of their comrades, or during a mission where they have no reinforcements coming in to help them and thus need to ensure that they can fight their way out


The Gryphon swooped down, almost as if to grab Hyralus with its feet and take him to its nest. It landed and walked towards him, bowing down its head and seemed to ask him to fly with it   "Now, is she not a beauty?"   "She truly is. But i know arse about riding a gryphon. Would you help me out?"   "Sure. Just know that you will have to go on solo sorties shortly. I can't be around forever can I?"   "Shithead this is my first time flying! Something only three dozen or so men have done! I won"t be flying alone till i have at least a half hundred hours on this thing!"   "Okay Okay i was just joking. We are brothers after all. Well not related biologically but still, every ranger is the sibling of another one. I will definitely be with you even after you know how to fly this thing"   Captain Hyralus of the Verdant Order, conversing with one of his comrades on riding a gryphon
A Ranger Company usually has around a dozen or so horses for the scouts, alongside a few extra ones for escape vehicles in case the higher order officers need to escape. These horses are specially bred for the type of terrain the rangers will be facing, with there being different horse breeds suited for different environments if the rangers are to embark on a mission that contains more than one climate. Besides horses, the rangers often tame and also use wild beasts such as direwolves, lions, greycrawlers, trolls and other such beasts for a variety of tasks. Also, the druids of the ranger company can often transform into animals too and serve as mounts for other rangers.   One of the most unique mounts availiable to the rangers are the gryphons. Though very few are issued ( around twelve are in service with the legion as of current time with only a few extremely renowned companies having access to a gryphon), they are invaluable for scouting, giving a birds eye view of the land below. Gryphons are also potent fighters and whilst standing no chance against the drakes and other myriad flying creatures used by the Argonites, they help tremendously in the mission of the rangers


A Ranger company has a rather flexible structure compared to most of the military formations and organisations in the Imperium. There are roles such as the Captain and also Medical Officers but everyone is to some extent, drilled in these matters which makes them multi skilled and able to survive without their leaders. No two companies are alike but in general, a company will have the following divisions, though not purely restricted to them  
  1. Heavy Weapons Section- Usually consisting entirely of Howling Moon Rangers, these are the heavy hitters of the company. When the battle gets close and personal and there is no chance for stealth or trickery, it is up to the heavy weapons section to fend off or cut through the attackers with their greataxes, greatswords, dark magic and deadly fighting skills. When such situations are not in place however, they usually guard certain imporant locations such as the camp of the rangers from further attack, whilst a small portion may go with the other rangers to guard them against any heavily armed and armoured units
  3. General Section- The General Section is the largest division in the Company, having around fourty percent of its entire strength. They are generally all rounded and can perform assassinations just as easily as they can fight open battles. However, they are not as specialised as the assassin division when it comes to silently slitting throats, nor are they as efficient as the heavy weapons section when fighting open wars against their enemies. However, they can usually get the job done in most circumstances, whatever that may be as long as it is related to killing. They also make for the most diverse formation of the company, having rangers from all orders included in this section usually
  5. Assasination Section- These are the silent wraiths of the company, moving like shadows through the dark hallways of Argonite Fortresses. Not only are they the masters of stealth, they have numerous tricks up their sleeve and know exactly the outcomes of their actions. They utilize throwing knives, bait and other sorts of trinkets to cause confusion and sow discord amongst the command of the enemies. Many Argonite mothers tell their naughty children stories of a great monster that comes at night silently, waiting for the right moment before doing evil works on the Argonites. They are enough to make them go to sleep but for Argonite commanders, it usually keeps them awake the entire night as they can never be sure when the cold dark blade of an assassin ranger will meet their throats
  7. Foraging Section- A Rather unlooked unit that often works thanklessly, the foraging section is usually in charge of the supplies of the company, alongside foraging for more. Their members are mostly general section rangers who are delegated to supply duties and though having a thankless job, they do not complain for it is vital to stay united during a mission. They forage food from the forests, taking fruit and hunting animals as well as sometimes searching for raw materials to repair or make new equipment or upgrade existing ones. Though usually portrayed as lazy people who do not want to do combat, they are more than potent at the art of killing and many a Argonite has met its end after underestimating them.


    "If there is one tactic thats common to all rangers, it is to strike terror in the hearts of our enemies. A rather difficult task considering that we are up against a race who form the basis of many horror stories for us"   Attributed to Ranger Captain Feranir of the Frozen Serpent Order
    The Tactics used by the company differ from situation to situation. In Assasinations and infiltration missions, silence and stealth are of utmost importance and the rangers must make sure to not get detected or at least leave no witnesses. This also applies to general missions as owing to their small numbers and inability to replace casualties, the rangers must be careful and attack only when needed. Even During full scale assaults and raids, the rangers will always attack from behind and within the enemy camp, so as to cause maximum damage and confusion, allowing regular soldiers to easily clean up the remnants by themselves.   Another tactic used by the Rangers is the art of deception. They often use dummies and cast illusions so as to confuse their enemies, buying them more time to get their objective done. Whilst going against the Howling Moon Orders tenet of terrorizing the enemy whenever possible and to the greatest extent possible, they are not above using it if it benefits their mission


    "I still recall my training days. Was a real nightmare i tell ya. We had to hunt beasts and despite us having a few other fellow blokes for support, it was a deathwish going against a forest troll, no matter how big our numbers were"   "So, how did you kill it then?"   "Simple. We let it kill itself. Used a bear trap and when he caught his foot in it, he himself in the head with his club for some reason. So hard that his brain popped alongside his skull. We roasted him and divided his body amongst us. Was a good feast"   A Ranger, recalling memories of his training period to a friend
    The training of a ranger is tough and treacherous. Not only do they have to work in only small groups, they also have only a limited number of resources to work with. Which is why foraging and hunting for supplies is a key course in their training periods. Besides combat and other martial skills, they are taught how to gather supplies and build tools, as well as how to be good leaders in case they need to lead human insurgents against Argonites. They are also taught many specialised courses depending on the class they choose, but to even get beyond the general test is a difficult task. The trainers can often be harsh, but it is tough love, for they only want the trainees to serve the Imperium well and even see them like their own children   A unique form of training that rangers undergo is the so called "loyalty training". During this course, one of their teammates are heavily injured ( deliberately by the instructors) and they are tasked with whether to abandon them or take care of them and to make the situation more tense, they simulate it in such a way so that the trainees feel as if there is an imminent danger. This is to improve their mental strength as well as strengthen bonds of brotherhood, which is one of the key tenets of the Ranger Order. If they choose the latter option, it is then revealed that there was no serious threat and they are congratulated afterwards for maintaining their bonds of brotherhood   If they fail, they are rebuked by their superiors but are not detached from the course as it is not a big part of it. They are then given advice on the values of brotherhood and have a chance to do it again, proving their worth and keeping their brotherhood strong


    Logistical Support

    "Damned Legionnaires get all their fancy equipment and even dedicated units whose job is to just look after the supplies and here, everyone has to share the burden"   "Mate, we don"t need as much logistics as they do. We can survive on a single piece of bread for a day if need be"   "Well yeah but i just miss by days in the legions. I signed up because the rangers sounded beautiful and like the heroes of old. I could have joined the many knightly orders but the rangers just attracted me for some reason. Can"t really say that i hate it"   A Conversation between two rangers
    The Rangers often require far less supplies to sustain themselves, having been trained for situations like them. They are taught how to forage for their own supplies from their basic training courses and if they want, they can also take advanced courses which include teaching them the art of metallurgy and mining. A section of the company is often dedicated to guarding and maintaining their supplies, which whilst being a rather boring and oftentimes thankless job is vital to the companies well being as a whole


    "If you aren"t from the legions or any other branch of the military, only Regulus can get you into the ranger order. Even that, whilst conspiring with the other gods"   A Common saying that illustrates the difficulty of getting into the ranger order
    The Rangers, being owned by the central government of the Imperium recruit from all across it, resulting in a multicultural, multireligious and multiethnic organisation. Yet, getting into the order is extremely hard as the training often tends to break trainees before they have a chance to even appear for their evaluations. The chances are better however when the applicants have at least some level of military experience, which is often taken as an important point for joining them.   When someone is accepted into the Organisation, they have to choose between the different Orders of the organisation, and each has its own initiation ceremony, customs and culture. Once they have been initiated, they undergo further training specialised to that order and at a special ceremony after their training course has ended, they are fully accepted into their order, ready to drive the enemies of man back to the darkness they came from

    The Punishment of Betrayal

    The Rangers take betrayal seriously, to the point that they would summarily execute anyone proven to be a traitor and without a valid purpose. Someone can notify the higher command of them hesitating to do a mission or resigning from their job but if they do it without notice and without justifiable reasons afterwards, they are bound to meet a fate worse than death   Whilst torture is forbidden in the Imperium alongside its armed forces, the rangers have no worries doing this to traitors and Argonite forces. Different orders vary in their ways of interrogation and torture. The Verdant Forest Order often uses beasts such as direwolves and trolls alongside the far more nightmarish sorts of carnivorous maggots, worms and other beings to punish traitors, whilst the Howling Moon often takes torture to a new extreme but does not use beasts and even if they do, not like the way that their Verdant Forest Brethren do. Their torture is more conventional and at the same time, far more deadly and nightmarish. So painful are their methods of torture that traitors often commit suicide rather than be taken prisoner by the howling moon rangers
    Special Forces
    Overall training Level
    Assumed Veterancy

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    Cover image: Arvallian Rangers by Imad Ud Din


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    Jul 17, 2020 21:02

    Really liked this entry! Well done! Especially a fan of the Verdant Order. Good stuff, nice and grim!

    Jul 24, 2020 22:41

    Great Article and Great Artwork used.   Aemon