Mimic Crow
A large raven like creature with the ability to mimic the sound of humans. They will lead lost people farther into the fog until they are distraught, then they will swoop down upon him.
Basic Information
Mimic crows have little firm bristles that cover over their nostrils. The crow has long, pointed wings and its tail has a unique square shape. mimic crows are often mistaken for Ravens due to there size, the main difference between the two is that the Raven doesn't live in the same climate. Ravens also have their own unique tail and wing shape. When mimic crows have reached adulthood they have a purple type of gloss on their body and on their wings it's more of a green type color. The crows eyes and beak also darken as it goes into adulthood. Most all crows tend to have firm, strong legs as well as toes.
Ecology and Habitats
The mimic crow is carnivorous, if feeds on bugs and the flesh of humans. It will wait for traveling parties to get lost in the fog, if such requirements are met the mimic crow will lead one of the lost people away by copying the voice of one of the party members.
Additional Information
Some expert beast masters have been known to train them.
Average Intelligence
They're fairly intelligent but it's hunter instinct.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Eyes (simple), Three layer ear (outer, division, inner),
RPG Datasheet
Mimic Crow STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 15 14 8 15 9 Speed: 20ft Fly: 50ft Melee: bite +3 (1d6+3) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC: 13 HP: 13 (2d8+4)
Scientific Name
Corvus corax
15-20 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
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