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6-14-24 Stabbing your friends and cleaning up afterwards.

General Summary

Late afternoon on The Eve of the 6th Annulet Moon in Nova,

Bellina led the group known as AA down a long hallway, off to a side corridor, and through a large set of stone doors. Upon opening the doors AA were greeted by a rather large space. The mausoleum was thick with dust, the hair felt heavy in their lungs, and there were broken pieces of stone and bits of smashed pottery scattered around the area. Bellina wished them good luck and quickly disappeared.

  AA began to truly investigate the space they'd agreed to clean. Flimp left the tomb to go in search of cleaning supplies like rooms and dusters. Calista looked through a book on the alter standing in front of a central fountain facing the door and discovered it was full of funeral rites. They also discerned that this space seemed to be a final resting place for members of The Collective. Chronos discerned that in each of the 4 corners of the room there were statues and identified depictions of Madarr, Reev and Elthea.

  While starting to gather debris into piles Calista took a chunk of pottery to the face from the direction of Chronos, strange. Then Freya took a chunk of pottery to the shoulder and immediately turned around to blame Uribella. Another chunk whizzed over Chronos' head from Calista's direction and the remaining members of AA began to argue among themselves over the origins of the tossed debris. The group was too engaged with each other to notice what happened next, Flimp returned with the cleaning supplies.

  As Flimp entered the room with arms full of tall brooms and dusters, he was immediately greeted with an unknown face who then quickly disappeared. He heard a voice inside his mind, “It's time for everybody to leave now.” Then he lost control over his body as he was held as a captive audience to his next actions, approaching his best friend, Freya, and stabbing her. Freya confused and terrified immediately recognized that this could not be the will of her best friend and attempted to smash a vial of holy water over his head. Uribella tried to put him to sleep. Freya tried to grapple him, Chronos reached deep and tried to utilize a new ability, “Protection from good and evil” hoping it would cast whatever was possessing Flimp out of him, and it failed. Calista transformed into a bear and attempted to tackle him, but Flimp was just too quick. All the while AA was trying to address what was going on with their dear friend Flimp they were getting pelted by large chunks of stone, rocks, and pottery pieces of broken down urns. A strong force seemed to reach out to Freya and knock her back against the tomb's walls causing a great deal of pain. Sensing they were running out of options Calista and Chronos went on the offensive and Flimp was quickly downed. As his body fell lifeless, bleeding, and still on the hard stone ground an apparition appeared next to his body and began to try and flee. Chronos healed Flimp and Freya dealt the killing blow to the apparition.

  In the chaos of Flimp's near death experience and exacting revenge on the ghost who attacked them, they had neglected to prioritize whatever was hurling things at them. The spirits in the room seemed to get more violent causing Freya to need to drink a potion. They were fighting blind. In a desperate move Uribella cast down her staff and summoned a giant snake, Calista jumped into the fountain and splashed wildly which turned out to be an important piece of the puzzle that was dispatching the spirits. As she splashed the group noticed a change in water pattern, allowing them to see the invisible spirits. As the spirits began to get desperate Freya was briefly knocked unconscious. Calista, eager to end this fight tainted the water with ink and continued their splashing allowing them to mark 2 of the spirits so they could be easily targeted. Flimp used his upgraded crossbow and summoned a giant badger to the fight. After dispatching 2 of these malevolent spirits they were still being attacked, and Chronos swung wildly above their head hitting something and finishing their action with a breath attack to assure the spirit's demise.

  The tomb was no closer to being clean at this moment, but the air felt clearer and lighter. Bloody and exhausted Freya made her way out of the space in search of Bellina for healing assistance. The rest of AA began to clean up the mess left behind. Valeria provided radical healing for Freya, and strong healing for the rest of AA in need. Elysia rewarded them with 600 gold and expressed concern over the idea of there being malevolent spirits in one of their sacred resting place.

Rewards Granted

600 Gold for clearing the temple of evil spirits and cleaning it up.

Character(s) interacted with

Bellina of the Collective
Valeria of the Collective
Elysia of the Collective
Report Date
14 Jun 2024


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