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Reev, Death's Knight

The Golden Escort Reev

Worship of Reev

Those who are ready for death or who have lost someone they love are often ones who worship Reev. While Reev has a lot of devoted followers, many times his followers are people who come to him for a a time, and then leave him for a time, a practice he doesn't mind because he understands that mortals are fickle and death is scary. Those expressing worship lay flowers calling for him at the doorsteps of elder family members who are approaching death or surround the recently deceased with flowers hoping Reev can find their spirit before they wander too long lost from the after. Elderly folks sometimes say Reev visits in their final days to remind them to be calm and that soon he'll be by to pick them up.  

Temples of Reev

Temples and alter spaces dedicated to Reev are often adorned with golden armour and many many flowers. They are often places of mourning and grieving for people who have no graves or burial sites to visit for loved ones who have been lost.


The Sword of Farewells

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Golden Helmet A golden sword

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Reev appears lean, strong, tall, and very fit.

Facial Features

Reev's face mostly can't be seen through his shining helmet, but those who have caught a glimpse and lived to tell the tale report warm golden brown eyes and a gentle soft smile with teeth as shining as fresh pearls.

Special abilities

Reev has the ability to calm and ease those who are close to death.

Apparel & Accessories

Reev appears in a full suit of armour made of glittering gold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Reev was once a young man who died on a battlefield defending until death what was most important to him. For his valor, bravery, and acceptance of his own fate he was gifted immortality, and a mission.

Personality Characteristics


To deliver people to the after in a calm and happy mood, so they should know the peace he knows.

Likes & Dislikes

Elderly women who smell like sweets, youthful children who like to sing, and puppies.

Virtues & Personality perks

Bravery, strength, and kindness.
Divine Classification


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