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While magic is available to the rich aristocrats of Ellon, the most powerful positions are held by the smartest tacticians. Ellon is a world of political intrigue, layered by subterfuge and espionage. As Ellon enters an early renaissance era, magic becomes more available only to the higher class. Those born magical are seeked out and captured, in an event that led to a mass genocide of sorcerers called the 50 Nights of Flame and learning magic is an incredibly expensive process, only available to nobles and aristocrats in leading nations. Faith in Ellon is dominated by three main religions, Manterdom, The Harcik Pursuit, and the following of the Khazek Pantheon. Solerus worships the sun as the one true deity, bringing warmth and riches to the soils of its birthplace, Atraea. Followers of Manterdom travel to the Atraean mountain, the Solus Pinnacle, the tallest mountain in the world, to see where their prophet, Manter, climbed to the peak and was taken by the sun to return to the heavens. The Harcik Pursuit follows the teachings of Harcik Z'Akfir, an enlightened individual who preached complete mental prowess and control, being able to control every individual muscle so much so they're able to achieve amazing bodily feats. The Khazek Pantheon is the following of ancient mythical Gods, headed by Ilaos, God of Victory, Udione, Goddess of Judgement, and Hexzeme, God of Defeat and Death. Their extended pantheon spans extremely far, and they are believed to manifest as humans themselves. There are three main empires of Ellon, the Atrean Empire, The Magistrate of Tak'Azan, and the Extended Territories of Faraxato. The Atrean Empire is a long stretching military empire that has dominated the Far Plains of Ellon with pure militant force. Their tactical ability and their great strategy has led to near complete domination, only to be surrounded by vassal states. The Magistrate of Tak'Azan are the trade kings of Ellon. They export nearly every luxury resource along their desert coasts to most of the sophisticated world. The Extended Territories of Faraxato is a cluster of territories that spreads throughout the great Faraxatan Jungle, uniting the tribes and villages settled in the great bush. Ellon is a place where the only limit is what you can't convince another to do for you. Power comes from planning and smarts, rather than flames and muscles.

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Ellon Campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5e