
Trenia (a.k.a. Tren)

A vargfolk seemingly roaming the land.
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CN medium humanoid(canine) Fighter 1
Init: +1; Senses: low-light; Perception +2;


AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +1 armor, +0 natural, +0 size)
HP 12(1d10+2 Con Hit Die:d10;
Fort +3 (+4 vs. fatigue, exhaustion, running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments), Ref +1, Will +0


Speed 30 ft.
Melee: boar spear +1 (1d8), shortspear +1 (1d6), bite +1 (1d3), 2 claws +1 (1d4)
Ranged: -;
Space 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Special Attacks: bite


Str 10(+0) Dex 12(+1) Con 12(+1) Int 08(-1) Wis 10(+0) Cha 10(+0)
Base Atk: +1; CMB: +1; CMD: 12
Feats: Desperate Battler, Resisting Grappler
Skills: Diplomacy +1, Perception +2; Racial Modifiers: Perception +2;
Languages: Common, Vargtal
Gear: light steel shield, boar spear[APG], shortspear, 205 gp


Light Steel Shield - price: 9 gp; weight: 6 lb(s AC bonus: +1; maximum dex: -; armor check penalty: -1; spell failure chance: 5%; speed(30ft / 20ft): -; You strap a light steel shield to your forearm and grip it with your hand. A light steel shield’s weight lets you carry other items in that hand, although you cannot use weapons with it. Whether wooden or steel, a light shield offers the same basic protection and attack benefits, though the two varieties respond differently to some spells and effects (such as rusting grasp). A druid can use a light wooden shield, but not a light steel shield. Shield Bash Attacks: You can bash an opponent with a light shield. See “light shield” on Table 1–5: Martial Weapons for the damage dealt by a shield bash with a light shield. Used this way, a light shield is a martial bludgeoning weapon. For the purpose of penalties on attack rolls, treat a light shield as a light weapon. If you use your shield as a weapon, you lose its AC bonus until your next turn. An enhancement bonus on a shield does not improve the effectiveness of a shield bash made with it, but the shield can be made into a magic weapon in its own right.
  Boar Spear - price: 1 gp; weight: 3 lb(s dmg(S/M): 1d6/1d8 P; critical: 20/x2; range: -; special: brace(see text This spear has a metal crossbar to protect you against onrushing attackers. If you ready a boar spear against a charge and your attack hits, you gain a +2 shield bonus to your AC against that creature until your next turn.
  Shortspear - price: 5 gp; weight: 3 lb(s dmg(S/M): 1d4/1d6 B; critical: 20/x2; range: 20 ft; special: -; A shortspear is about 3 feet in length, making it a suitable thrown weapon.


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus combat feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement.
Desert Runner (Ex) +4 to Con checks and Fort saves vs. fatigue/exhaustion, or ill effects from running, starvation, and temperature.
Desperate Battler (fighter feat): Gain +1 morale bonus on melee attack and damage when alone
Low-Light Vision: See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Resisting Grappler(1st level feat): Foes using Grab do provoke AoO. Any dam your att deals is +5 for penalty to CMB roll.
Skill Buy History
1st level: Diplomacy +1
Skills Expanded
Acrobatics +0 rank(s) (+1{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +1
Appraise +0 rank(s) (-1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Bluff +0 rank(s) (+0{CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Climb +0 rank(s) (+0{STR}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +0
Craft() +0 rank(s) (-1{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = -1
Diplomacy +1 rank(s) (+0{CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Disable Device +0 rank(s) (+1{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +1
Disguise +0 rank(suntrained} (+0{CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Escape Artist +0 rank(s) (+1{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Fly +0 rank(s) (+1{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +1
Handle Animal +0 rank(suntrained} (+0{CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Heal +0 rank(s) (+0{WIS}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Intimidate +0 rank(s) (+0{CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +0
Knowledge(Arcana) +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = -1
Knowledge(Engineering) +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = -1
Knowledge(Geography) +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Knowledge(History) +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Knowledge(Local) +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Knowledge(Nature) +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Knowledge(Nobility) +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Knowledge(Planes) +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Knowledge(Religion) +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Linguistics +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Perception +0 rank(s) (+0{WIS}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Perform() +0 rank(s) (+0{CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Profession() +0 rank(suntrained} (+0{WIS}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +0
Ride +0 rank(s) (+1{DEX}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +1
Sense Motive +0 rank(s) (+0{WIS}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Sleight of Hand +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Spellcraft +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Stealth +0 rank(s) (+1{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +1
Survival +0 rank(s) (+0{WIS}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +0
Swim +0 rank(s) (+0{STR}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +0
Use Magic Device +0 rank(suntrained} (+0{CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Known Languages
Hokenian(Common), Vargtal

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