Gods and Belief Physical / Metaphysical Law in Elmeron | World Anvil
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Gods and Belief

Magic Incarnate

Elmeron is home to beings of raw magic known as Gods, who exist as manifestations of human belief, however they rarely deign to bind themselves to consciousness. These beings are molded into existence by the presence of strong Belief magic, making them beings that are entirely based off of perception and reflection. However, just because these are Ethereal beings born of emotion does not mean they do not have real power. 
They are Gods after all.

The Veil

Within Elmeron lies a Hue of magic known as Belief. However, it is less a Hue of magic, and more a veil that lies on top of the magics of the world, among the Ethereal Hues. However the key difference from all other Hues of magic held by Hues of belief is that this magic is a reflection of that which lies around it, bending and twisting itself around its surroundings, especially pure magic. Since pure magic is Souls, and births life, this means that Belief magic is most affected by the human perception of it and the world it reflects, even if it is invisible by nature. This is how Gods are born, a carefully crafted mixture of Pure magic, the human perception of the world and personification, the physical magics flowing through the world, and most of all pure Belief. This is a force that bends the world to human perception, capable of creating not only gods but some of the most powerful forces of magic known to Elmeron. This is simultaneously the most unknown and powerful magic in Elmeron, The Veil.


Moving on from the concept of Belief magic as a whole onto the subsect it, Gods. Gods are created when human perception of the world and its magic is that of Personification, and the magic of The Veil makes that real. These gods are effectively manifestations of the Veil itself, and thus reflect what lies below it, the Physical and Ethereal world. Gods are composed of raw magic, and represent entire sections of the rainbow of magic, sometimes multiple areas at once. After all, the only limit to their power is the limits of the human mind and magic itself. However, because of the nature of The Veil, these beings of immense power cannot make physical appearances within Elmeron, as they are made partially of Ethereal magic, which is impossible to manifest physically. However, they can manifest themselves Ethereally, such as guiding the hand of an archer in need, conveying thoughts and emotions through methods unique to individual Gods, and even providing temporary increased control over magic itself.


Some human belief systems include, or even are based around, that of other belief systems being false, or portraying different systems or Gods as being enemies. While this may seem like a contradiction, the power of The Veil is not bound to human ideas of true and false, or discrimination. All The Veil knows is Belief, and what becomes of it. It just makes things perceived by Souls become real, and because of this it is capable of holding contradictions within itself, just as an individual culture can hold infinite different versions of the same story.
Metaphysical, Divine


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