The Hues of Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Elmeron | World Anvil
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The Hues of Magic

The Rainbow of Magic

Magic is a varied and complex force of nature in Elmeron, and is untameable and unlableable, however sometimes forces of nature are easier to understand with concise labels to represent part of a whole. That is what this article is, that being an explanation and list of labels assigned to the magic in Elmeron in and out of the world. These labels are known as Hues, however the common folk will refer to them as types, magics, colors, hues, and any number of regional variants and slang.

The 10 Hues

The world has 10 Major Hues of magic: Time, Light, Dark, Mind, Space, Heat, Cold, Stone, Water, and Air. There are 2 categories within these Hues: Ethereal (Time, Light, Dark, and Mind), and Physical (Space, Heat, Cold, Stone, Water, and Air). These 10 Hues compose the most major of the Hues of magic. An important distinction to form is that only Physical Magics have physical presence in the world, while all Ethereal magic flows through the world at its own whims, with very rare hotspots and exceptions. Some of these exceptions might include:
  • The Illusory Isles' forged connection with the Ethereal
  • The Pit in the Teeth's connection to the Abyss and Dark magic
  • The Trenches in The Dark Sea's connection to the Abyss and Dark magic
  • The Sun, Moon, and Stars' connection to their magics, which include certain Ethereal Magics

Minor Catagories

Another notable quirk of Hues is that there are sub categories within the systems, magics which could be considered Hues in their own right, but are almost never utilized in their entirety, some examples of the phenomena are as such:
  • Sun
  • Moon
  • Ocean
  • Weather
  • Illusion
  • Divination

Minor Cultural Hues

From this point in the spectrum, magic splits into exponentially more and more variations the more you zoom in, however the peoples of Elmeron have still given more major magics names on a smaller scale than The 10. Here is a list of major Hues by country:
  • Calidor/The Great Plains/Kaa'aath: No major magic types, but rather a culture of using magic as its useful rather than worshiping individual Hues of magic like certain countries
  • Ra'akar: Sandstorm, a form of Heat, Air, and Stone magic that involves the manipulation of sandstorms. Firestorm, an adaptation of Sandstorm magic for those who are more Fire inclined. Gold Flame, a form of Fire magic involving the addition of Gold magic turning the fire a brilliant Golden hue, often used in rituals rather than combat. Sand Divination, the practice of using sandstorm magic combined with sacred Sand Spots which hold omens and prophetic advice to those who can read it. Mark of Gold, a technique which combines Gold Flame magic with Blood magic to infuse one's body with Gold magic, not quite fitting in with any other Hues.
  • Yakala: Selenox Moon, a sect of Moon magic involving Fog, Moonrays, Stealth, and the Stars. Ancestral, this magic is unique in that it draws upon the Stars imprints of their previous lives for insights. Molding, The act of channeling a Hue of magic through one's body and into an object, molding it to magically and physically match the magic type and physical appearance of the Weaver. Nature Divination, a form of divination revolving around taking from the history of trees by connecting with it on a spiritual level and allowing yourself to see what the tree has experienced.
  • Grrdrr: Stone Infusion, a form of infusion involving infusing something on the hands with stone magics allowing for better physical manipulation of Stone magics. Vibration Divination, a type of stone divination involving striking stone and using the vibrations to sense things not made of the same material inside, like caves or gemstones. Lava, a pretty common Hue involving the manipulation of lava and magma. Metallurgy, the manipulation of metal using Heat and Stone magics, most commonly used in smithing. Molding, The act of channeling a Hue of magic through one's body and into an object, molding it to magically and physically match the magic type and physical appearance of the Weaver. Sun Fire, the most common type of sun magic, involves the manipulation of Sun Fire, a type of fire that is made of the magic of the sun, making it a blinding orange and infused with the power of the Sun.
  • The Helkemt: Sun Fire, the most common type of sun magic, it involves the manipulation of Sun Fire, a type of fire that is made of the magic of the sun, making it a blinding orange and infused with the power of the Sun. Sun Breathing, This technique involves drawing raw Sun magic into one's lungs and then utilizing it in different ways from that point. Lava, a pretty common Hue involving the manipulation of lava and magma.
  • The Cryos: Moon Infusion, a type of Infusion magic involving infusing a pendant with Moon magic, which allows the power of the moon to influence one's physical form temporarily. Snow, a form of Ice magic involving weaving snow and snowstorms. Ice, a pretty common Hue involving the manipulation and formation of Ice. Moon Divination, a form of divination involving the reading of the ever shifting surface of the Moon. Snow Divination, a form of divination involving observing the patterns of snow left from specially woven snowstorms in holy locations.
  • The Verdant Isles: Sea Foam, a type of magic which is about manipulating buoyancy, water currents, and the flow of water and the Air in it. Air Compression, a technique involving drawing raw Air magic into one's lungs, allowing one to breathe underwater for hours and manipulate buoyancy. Tropical Storm, The manipulation and creation of tropical storms. Lava, a pretty common Hue involving the manipulation of lava and magma.
  • The Sespa: Coral, a combination Water Life hue, this hue involves the manipulation of Corals. Sea Foam, a type of magic which is about manipulating buoyancy, water currents, and the flow of water and the Air in it. Sea Storm, a stronger version of Sea Foam magic removing air from the equation involving the weaving of currents strong enough to cut like blades and make whirlpools. Light Bending, this technique makes use of the way light moves through water and uses that to shift the way light moves through the water. Wave Divination, a form of divination involving reading the patterns of light reflected onto the ocean floor from surface waves.
  • The Nelrin: Abyssal Pressure, This technique draws upon the magic of the deep ocean to create things like temporary pressure equivalent to being hundreds of meters below the surface. Sea Storm, a stronger version of Sea Foam magic removing air from the equation involving the weaving of currents strong enough to cut like blades and make whirlpools. Light Bending, this technique makes use of the way light moves through water and uses that to shift the way light moves through the water. Ice Divination, a type of Divination magic involving focusing cold magic into one spot underwater and watching it spread out and form patterns that represent the future.
  • The Illusory Isles: Astral, a type of magic revolving around the separation of the Soul and the Physical form. Metaphorical Darkness, this magic is a direct interpretation of Dark magic, with it representing the lack of something, usually manifesting as invisibility or other such Illusions. Sound, a type of magic relating to manipulating and creating sound.


These Hues are what make the world a world instead of the sea of pure, unsplit magic with no time, space, or anything that makes a world a world. Instead, they are what makes the world varied and unique, with the massive Karsts and Volcanoes of Lava and Stone magic in the Teeth, or the dencely fogged and wooded Yakala, teeming with life and mystique. Magic has split itself, before combining those pieces to create a world full of variation and color.


The Hues tend to clump together, and all hues have intricate relationships with the hues around them, like Stone and Dark usually finding their way together, since stone is one of the major primordial sorces of Darkness (being the only of the 10 capable of casting Shadows). Another example is the relationship of Light and Heat, with the two usually being close to one another. Another thing to note about how magic is unique depending on the area of the world is that magic is everything. Magic is what makes the world, life, and everything in between, and because of this it is impossible to create a magic-less area. The prossess of creating area would mean completely removing all physical and metaphysical stuff within said area and prevent the strong force present in magic to fill areas like this, especially with Air magic, the physical magic representing all spaces not filled with physical objects.


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