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Weaving Magic

The Practice of Weaving the Magic Flowing through the World

The art of weaving the forces of magic which flow through the world is one that is as old as the creation of the world. Every person, on an instinctual level, understands this art, as all things in this world are of magic. And since the Human Soul is made of pure magic, it makes beings with Souls the ideal conduit for all magics. This creates the opportunity for all cultures to be built around the way in which they have adapted the magic around them and personified them into Godhood.


The art of Weaving magic is, in essence, the manipulation of magic by using a connection to a Hue(s) of magic. The purest form of this is the practice of Weaving magic with one's own Soul, which contains all magics, and thus the ability to Weave all magics. However magic can be channeled by any object the fulfills the following criteria; The object is made of or infused with the Hue of magic it wishes to channel, the object is constructed in such a way that it allows the channeling of magic through it or has a soul to guide the magic through it manually. This phenomenon is extremely uncommon in the wilderness, however Sentient beings make great use of this to enhance magics.
This usually involves honing a sense only sentient races are capable of truely harnesing. This is the magic sense, it involves sensing the objects and thus magic around oneself, and preforming some action to guide that magic into whatever new form is required, usually in the form of physically moving either yourself or an external object, but can extend to things like runes, speaking, or other such acts of intention. Unlike the other senses, this magic sense is non-variable, as it is an inherent trait of all beings with souls, and scales accordingly.

Natural Weaving

The most instinctual of all types of Weaving involve simply taking the magic around you and bending it into a new form. This is the type of magic all peoples began with, and the type all peoples are born being able to practice. Many nations never developed different methods of Weaving magic, rather refining their own bodies and how they use them into a form of Natural Weaving on the level of the most powerful External Weavers. These peoples are usually more intimately connected with the magics they practice, or physically shift their form to better suit the Weaving of their magics. Another thing to note is that most animals and lower intelligence lifeforms practice this form of weaving instinctually, although very crudely and instinctually.

External Weaving

External Weaving is the art of Weaving magic through external objects infused with specific Hues, allowing for far increased Weaving power of that particular Hue only. This is a far more recent development in the art of Weaving magic, at least on a cosmological scale. This art is best practiced with objects of personal or forged connection, such as staves made from branches of important trees, or a sword forged specifically for the Weaver. While this art is relatively recent, many cultures still have deep roots in this art, such as the people of Yakala who have practiced Molding sacred cherry tree branches into Staves for millennia.


Most of the time, the Weaving of magics is not a visual act, but rather a spiritual thing, drawing power from the magics around oneself. However certain magics inherently allow for visibility, such as the Weaving of Light or Dark. Also, certain divination techniques can allow for the visualization of magics as different things, such as the rawest form of the Hue, or just the color best associated with said Hue.


Every culture and creature in Elmeron practices their magical Weaving differently, with exactly how one Weave's magic universally seen as a sign of one's individuality. However, on a grander scale, every culture with Elmeron also possesses their own methods of Weaving and how they worship it.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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