Elmwood Port Sewer System Geographic Location in Elmwood Port | World Anvil
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Elmwood Port Sewer System

We call it a sewer system but the tunnels and pipes underneath Elmwood port are almost another city in it of themselves. The network stretches to unfathomable lengths and depths to the point where they don't make a lick of sense anymore. The density of supernatural activity in Elmwood port cause the tunnels cross over and under each other while looing around into spirals as well. People and other creatures get lost and make their homes within large spaces that seem to serve no purpose and are sometimes just too big in comparison to the things that should be around it. There are loose settings of groups and "towns" that might have rules of their own, but it never lasts long as the ever changing tunnels and the creatures that make their residence always ruin things or at least turn most settlements nomadic pretty quickly. The security force of Heartlight don't even make their way down to the depths unless they truly have to. They tried at first to be fair but it never ended up as worth it. There's been talk of a cage fighting society that has made it's home at what seems like various parts of the sewer promising a place to let loose all the tension and rage that daily life creates. We've been told of maps and video messages sent out, but never have we seen proof of such a thing. The recipients just seem to know where to go after the items destroy themselves. We aren't sure but this does seem to be related to the bet in some way, and would love to see the "announcer" of the messages people were given, but making our way into the sewers themselves is just as pointless and horrifying of a task for us as it is for anyone else. We are just researchers after all. For as the tunnels grow darker and more worn, who knows how far the depths go?
Underground / Subterranean

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