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Port Lithar


Port Lithar, founded by Lithar the Industrious in IASK2100, is the greatest trading city on Alynor. Its strong ties with the Seren Empire give it a constant distributor across Alynor, and its exclusive contract with Austra El to channel goods into Alynor gives it an unlimited amount of resources, goods, supplies, arms, armor, spices, and luxuries.   In its early days, Port Lithar was wholly neutral, equally distributing goods among the Tri-Kingdoms (the United Ginharian Chiefdom, the Royal Republic of Malwynn, and the Seren Empire). However, in IASK2200, the magistrate of Port Lithar signed a protectorate agreement with the Seren Empire, resulting in the cutting off of trade from the the United Ginharian Chiefdom and the Royal Republic of Malwynn. This resulted in the First War of Port Lithar, with the Seren Empire aiming to keep Port Lithar as a protectorate and the Royal Republic of Malwynn, along with United Ginharian Chiefdom, hoping to conquer it.   Despite numerous attacks, the Seren Empire held off all attackers until the signing of the Treaty of Port Lithar, which would not be broken for three hundred years. The Treaty of Port Lithar gave the Seren Empire exclusive, tariff-free distribution of the goods that entered Port Lithar, much to the chagrin of the United Ginharian Chiefdom and the Royal Republic of Malwynn.   The city is fairly massive, roughly equaling the size of Syndralis (a bustling trade city of The Seren Empire). Its architecture is very eastern (in the Eloan sense, referring to Mesalanic and Seren architecture), and indeed, Lithar the Industrious was a citizen of Valoria. In fact, Port Lithar has been called the “final remnant of Valoria,” referring to Valoria’s fall during the Age of Power.
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