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Southflow River


The Southflow River is an enormous river which begins at the Southflow Delta and empties into the Sea of Twilight. Weather patterns bring many a storm across Elyndale and into the Southflow Delta, where storms rain and keep the river constantly high. The river is immense, over 110 miles wide, surpassed only by the Aulcarr River. It is about 1,800 miles long; however, the Gulagos River of Iona does prove to be longer.   The Southflow River was home to the Aurdum and Valant civilizations during the early Age of Emergence. It was rich in soulstone, and remains rich in minerals and fish. It provides an eastern bastion for the Seren Empire, which has enjoyed its protection since shortly after the dawn of history. Because of its immense length, almost no attackers can transverse the river easily. The Great Wall of Alarum, commissioned during the Age of Intellect, protects the Seren Empire from naval invasions from the eastern side of the Southflow River.
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