Arrow, Magic

Magic Arrows are ammunition specifically used with any type of bow (but not with crossbows, dart guns or dart throwers, slings, or other ammunition-using weapons).   Unless specially noted, these are single-use items, destroyed on impact.   Prices listed are from a reputable seller in a stable market. Items from an adventurer's loot or an itinerant crafter's collection will only be valued at half the price in gold which a known merchant of fixed location could expect.

Manufacturing process

Crating magic arrows requires an expert who has learned the "Craft Magic Arms and Armor" Feat, plus expertise in casting the spell in question. There may also be level requirements, alignment requirements, and other prerequesites. Generally the entire process will take at least an entire day of work, possibly more than one day.
See also the Official Source at Archives of Nethys and then search the page for the word "ammunition".
Item type
usually negligible
Base Price
starts at 100 gp for a batch of 50 and goes up to six digits for a single enchanted arrow
material components for the enchantment and the spell to be enchanted into the object, plus masterwork-quality arrows made specifically to be enchanted.

Cover image: by CB Ash