beer wagon

Most light wagons in Aquitaine are framed with "soft" (usually waxed canvas in doubled layers) walls and curved or pointed roof, to keep rain or anything else that might descend from above off the vendor's goods. Premade woven-slat roof panels can be attached in winter but they add weight and often get in the way of quick access to the supplies.
Beer wagons, however, are always made with solid roof and sides. A three-sided segment on the front can be unclamped and slid over the main body of the cover to allow empty kegs to be quickly slid into place. When that segment is returned to its regular position and clamped down, the body appears to be seamless due to the brightly splotched "paint speckle" design traditionally used on all Aquitaine beer wagons.
The rear of the wagon has two gate-style doors, only one of which can be fully open at a time; they open toward one another, so that if the left is open then it blocks the right, and vice versa.
Usually a ramp has been connected to the underside of the wagon. Made of sturdy, thin slats connected to one another so that the entire ramp can be rolled up in a tube and tied while not in use, this is the part of the entire beer wagon most likely to need repairs at any given time.
As is the custom in many areas, beer wagons are built with a bed that tilts in toward the center from either long side, causing the kegs placed within to tilt their tops toward each other for maximum stability during travel. Also the front is slightly taller than the back so that any spills will naturally flow away from the driver and the harnessed animal.


2 medium or 1 large creatures to pull

Armor and defense

500 gp
15 feet or 4.5 meters
8 feet or 2.5 meters
Complement / Crew
at least 1 driver, usually 1 or 2 additional cargo handlers
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
up to 1000 lbs of cargo | traveler capacity 6

Cover image: by CB Ash


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