
Children of the Titans

Bugbears are hairy, muscular humanoids with broad shoulders and tall frames. Their true origins are lost to history, however rumors range from the idea that bugbears were a product of a wizard's attempt to create an obedient army through transmutation to that bugbears are one of - if not the last - descendants of the mythical titans. Some scholars have wondered if bugbears are not distantly related to the orcish species.
The term 'bugbear' is quite old, but isn't the original name of the species. Oldest records that date from the time of the ancient Magi War refer to the species as the 'faelbelg'. However, the term 'bugbear' evolved from an old Thasilan term meaning 'irritating fey bear'.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Bugbears are a bipedal, humanoid species that are mammalian and air breathers. They are easily identified by the long thick hair or fur that covers their body, along with a wide, flat face that is unusually devoid of any hair or fur. All bugbears have pronounced tusks protruding from their lower jaws - something also found in orcs and some goblins, giving support to the theory of common ancestry. Overall, however, their physical appearance is that of a bear standing on its hind legs with the facial structure similar to typical goblin or orc shapes but with long, sloping bat-like ears.
Their fur has a variety of color depending on climate. Most bugbear fur color ranges black to reddish-blonde. In some far northern regions, this fur will turn white in the deep winter months. Other than the fur, what little skin is seen on a bugbear carries a similar shade as their fur tone. This results from the same environmental response as their fur color.
Eye color is either black or brown and their hands and feet have soft pads that are rather resilient. It isn't uncommon to see a bugbear going without shoes when walking outside or in rough terrain.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bugbears are omnivorous but tend toward to meat and protein heavy meals. This can, depending on the culture, mean beans, meat-grubs or other forms of protein other than beef, etc. Vegetables - such as root vegetables and some leafy vegetables - are a part of their diet as well but play a secondary role. In lean times, bugbears are able to subsist entirely on a vegetarian diet but will eventually seek out a source or protein to supplement what's missing eventually.
approximately 80 years
Average Height
6 to 7 feet tall
Average Weight
200 to 400 pounds
Related Ethnicities

Bugbear Ancestral Traits

A character that is descended from a bugbear or has bugbear in their bloodline has the following available, regardless of ethnicity.

Age Bugbears mature more quickly than many other species, becoming biologically adults by 15. Most bugbears live to be 80.

Ability Score Increase Strength +3

Size Medium

Speed Base walking speed is 30 feet

Powerful Build The character is considered a size larger when determining carrying capacity and weight that can be pushed, pulled, etc. However, it also makes them less buoyant in water, so they have a -2 to any swim checks.

Darkvision The character is able to see in dim light up to 60 feet and in darkness as though it was twilight. However, in darkness the character is able to only see in shades of gray.

Tough Hide The long fur and hair of a bugbear combined with a thicker layer of skin acts as a natural armor, granting a +3 to AC.

Discerning Scent This allows the character to detect, or track, items based on their smell. Such characters are able to identify familiar odors just as other species - like humans - do familiar sights. Scents can be detected up to 30 feet under normal conditions. This increases to 60 feet if the source of the scent is upwind and drops to 15 feet if downwind. When a character detects one or more scents, this doesn't reveal the location where the scent is coming from, only that it is nearby. To find the location, a character must use a move action to track down the direction. Once they are within 5 feet of the source, they know the location.

This can allows the character to track a target by smell, meaning the character may roll their Survival to follow a track. Tracking in this manner ignores effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.


Cover image: by CB Ash


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