
With much appreciation to the Archives of Nethys for the Pathfinder game mechanics on this!

A stagecoach is a type of four-wheeled carriage used in some parts of the Freecities League and KaraKorum as a public coach. Most often it's used to carry paying passengers and light packages on long journeys. Well made, they are strongly sprung and drawn by four horses, mules, elks, or another similar domesticated animal.


A Freecities or KaraKorum stagecoach travel at an average speed of 5 miles per hour with the average daily mileage covered being close to 60 miles. The common type could accommodate up to four passengers in the main compartment. Bags and other belongings were stored on top with the driver and guard, called the "Bolt Thrower".

Item type
2500 lbs
10 ft. by 15 ft and 6 feet high
Base Price
100 gp new, 75 gp used


AC 9; Hardness 5

hp 90 (44)

Base Save +1


Maximum Speed twice the speed of the pulling creature(s Acceleration the speed of the pulling creature(s)

CMB +1; CMD 11

Ramming Damage 1d8


This four-wheeled vehicle can transport as many as four people within an enclosed cab, in addition to one driver and one other person seated next to the driver (often armed). The carriage’s roof can carry 200 pounds of cargo.


Propulsion muscle (pulled; 4-6 Medium creatures or 2 Large creatures)

Driving Check Handle Animal or Profession (driver) (in the case of creatures with animal intelligence pulling the vehicle), Diplomacy or Intimidate (in the case of intelligent creatures pulling the vehicle)

Forward Facing toward the creatures pulling the vehicle

Driving Device reins

Driving Space the most forward squares if the carriage’s upper deck.

Decks 2; a lower cab with enough room for four passengers, and an upper deck with room for a driver and another passenger.

Cover image: by CB Ash


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