Storm's Armor


There is an old stormborn saying… ‘let my armies be the spirits of the storm, sea, and wind. And let my shield be the lightning from the sky’….
— Stefanos Vel-Barboza, Seskyalii skald alchemist
A stormborn leads a dangerous life. Sometimes they need a little protection before they step out their front door.
This spell grants a stormborn that very protection. By calling upon the magical ties to the enchanted elements of the storm, a stormborn can harness a portion of that tempest to fashion a temporary layer of armor.
Once cast, a thin layer of fog that is rich with dancing spirits of lighting appears around the stormborn. This cloud swirls around the caster, fashioning itself into a thin layer of fog-like armor sewn with lightning. The lightning dances around the caster, weaving in and out of the fog cloud and around the stormborn’s body.
I’ve seen this cast only once. It’s impressive with its soft peals of thunder and coils of lightning. What’s more impressive? When someone tries to grab the stormborn through all that. To be honest, they don’t try it twice…
— Stefanos Vel-Barboza, Seskyalii skald alchemist
This magical defense is quite effective. It reflects any physical or energy attacks back where they came from. Sometimes resulting in painful or disastrous results to the attacker. Anyone that attempts to grapple the stormborn? They suffer an unpleasant attack from the lightning.
But this armor isn’t foolproof. For a short amount of time, it can protect a stormborn against attack directed against them. It cannot protect the stormborn against collateral damage that covers an area, such as from poisonous gas. Neither can it protect the caster against explosions or other unpleasant effects that cover a wide area.
Some stormborn think they are impervious to any harm with this enchantment. Then, they find themselves on the wrong side of a firestorm spell…
— Stefanos Vel-Barboza, Seskyalii skald alchemist
Also, this armor is bound to the stormborn caster. This means they can’t share it with anyone else traveling with them.
I know this Nodin. Bugbear-orc mixed ancestry, so he was as big as a barn door. During a fight, he grabbed a halfling stormborn coated in this spell and used him as a shield. It was actually effective… and disturbing. The stormborn giggled the entire time…
— Stefanos Vel-Barboza, Seskyalii skald alchemist
This protection does come with a cost. Because the armor is crafted out of the spirits of the Tempest, it constantly rumbles with soft peals of thunder and crackles with electricity. The stormborn might be protected but they will be anything but quiet. Also, the spirits of the Tempest are fickle. If the stormborn attempts to cast this spell and another defensive enchantment, the spirits of the Tempest immediately withdraw their protection.
Sneaking around while wearing this enchantment? With all those dull rumbles of thunder? A person would have a better chance to tie one hand behind them and mud wrestle a rendercoon...
— Stefanos Vel-Barboza, Seskyalii skald alchemist

Game Mechanics

Storm’s Armor allows the stormborn sorcerer to create a magical armor for themselves out of the spirits of the Tempest. The armor only protects the stormborn and cannot be cast on anyone else as the spirits of the Tempest will refuse.
This also will also only protect the sorcerer from direct physical or energy attacks. It reflects any direct physical or energy attack back at the attacker.
If the attacker makes a successful Fortitude save against a DC of 10 + the level of the stormborn sorcerer, then they take no damage. If they fail, they take half the damage intended for the stormborn plus 1d6 + Charisma bonus in lightning damage.
This armor will only last 10 minutes per level of the stormborn. At the end of that time, the fickle spirits of the Tempest withdraw their protection of the sorcerer.
This spell will not protect the stormborn from any area of effect attacks, like poisonous gas clouds, explosions from fireball spells, and so on. Neither will this spell protect the stormborn from any illusions, charms, or similar mental attacks.
Once this spell has been activated, the stormborn suffers a -10 penalty to all stealth rolls due to the constant low rumble of thunder and sizzle of electricity.
Also, once cast, the stormborn may not use another stormborn spell that provides defense, concealment, or attempts to hide the stormborn in any way. This spell is compatible with magic items that provide defense.


A thin layer of fog-shaped armor with crackling bursts of glowing blue lightning that dances around the caster in ever-changing patterns.
Material Components

To enact this spell, the stormborn must quickly wave a single hand over their chest while saying the Tempest's Call.


By the Sweet Howl of Storms! Fulgori Elementis!

Related Discipline
Related School
Effect Duration
10 min / level
Effect Casting Time
1 standard action
Stormborn 1
Applied Restriction
This spell is a standard action. Therefore when cast, no other standard action spell may be cast that round.

Cover image: by CB Ash


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Jan 7, 2021 13:30 by J. Thorne

I think the important question here is whether or not one can convince the spirits to sync their lightning flashes to music. Between adventures, could earn a little extra coin as a one-caster rave! :D

Jan 7, 2021 13:32 by C. B. Ash

LOL! I didn't even think of that! What a great idea! Now, I picture a Stormborn heading into town in their off time to hit the taverns :D

Jan 7, 2021 15:52 by J. Thorne

My little mind is terribly broken. I actually *wanted* to be a goalie (ice hockey). The rest leaks out in my writing. :D

Feb 3, 2021 21:10 by Angantyr

I must say, that when I came across an armor with storm spirits, the armor from Bran Sanderson's book popped into my mind.   This is an interesting thing with it's up and down sides. So it's generally used as a shield for those, who want to enter the path of stormborn? And I have to ask: is there a chance that the spirits feel offended and not only undo the armor but also attack the one wearing it?

Playing around with words and worlds
Feb 3, 2021 22:14 by C. B. Ash

You know, it's actually not that far off from that same idea. Though I have to confess I was inspired by the concept of "calling upon the storm/elements/spirits for aid" from various fairy tales/myths, and also a power set from a pretty old superhero game.   And yes! In general, its a shield for those sorcerers who are of the stormborn bloodline. However, this isn't the one where the spirits could feel offended and attack the one wearing it. That spell is coming up in my to do list!