Thunderchild bolts

A product of orcish ingenuity, know-how, and sheer craftiness, is the Thunderchild bolt. This is a specially enchanted crossbow bolt that if fired will hit the target and lets loose a burst of weather magic that culminates in a thunderous blast of ball lightning. Due to the effect of the magic, the bolts are not recoverable and are one use only.


The method of creating these bolts is a closely guarded secret in KaraKorum. However, the orcs are willing to sell them to visitors to their land. For a price.

Item type
Base Price
50 gp per bolt


Category Alchemical Weapons


These black shaft crossbow bolts are made with slivers of charged thunderstone forged into the arrowhead.


On impact, the magic of the bolt does 1d6 points of lightning damage to a target in addition to the normal damage from a crossbow bolt. In addition, the ripple of magic creates a thunderous blast that can knock back the target off their feet if they fail a Reflex saving throw.


Note that this is a one-use magic item. Once it hits a target, the effect destroys the bolt.

Cover image: by CB Ash


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