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Foxdale is the smallest city in Elphora, and is technically situated on the island of Erella, however it is the legal property of Elphora. It is dedicated to Oscar, God of Natural Things.   Foxdale is home to a mixture of both Erella locals and Elphoran locals. The two groups generally get on, although there is a small amount of hatred towards Elphorans from some Erellian locals. The city has a dedicated interest in keeping the local history of Erella alive - which has been lost over time since Elphora colonised it. One such movement has been to bring back the Erellian language, and as such you can find it on various signs and information boards. Everyone there speaks Vanorian as their main language, however one school has cropped up that teaches exclusively in Erellian.   The city is barely the size of a city, and only really counts as such due to it's temple to Oscar. The temple only has a couple small buildings, the majority of it being gardens and water formations.   The city is built using natural defences; the city walls being trees that already existed. There is a lot of overgrowth into the city. In many ways the existing nature has been used to create the structures of the city itself.   Foxdale is known for boating. it is possible to get boat tours of the rest of the bluff cluster, or to rent a boat to take out for a day to do your own tour.   The city is also home to a larger number of goblins and orcs, however unlike on the Elphoran mainland they have full citizenship and live as full members of society, which does not seem to be an unpopular move within Foxdale, although many Elphoran natives find this unusual.   The centre of the city is home to a very large tree with a good bit of mythos surrounding it.   There is a unique tavern at the main port in Foxdale. The bar is situated in the centre of the building. One half of the tavern has regular flooring with tables and chairs as uou would expect, and the other half opens up to the ocean, with tables and chairs nailed to the seabed. The bar caters to both merfolk and landfolk. It is common to see them dining at this tavern at the same time. There is even a single magical room for the landfolk who wish to experience one night under the sea, although it comes at a premium cost. The buyer who wishes to experience the underwater world has water breathing cast on them, which lasts for 24 hours, allowing them to experience sleeping underwater, as well as a small amount of underwater life.   On the 9-10th of Osa (month 5) Foxdale hosts Nature Day to celebrate Oscar.   Foxdale is run by Duchess Heddy Hawkblight. She was born and raised in Foxdale although her family originally came from Elphora. She wants to begin modernising the city and is looking for some sort of invention that could bring Foxdale into the modern world.

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