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First coined in the year 317 AR by the Merchant's Guild of Ardenburg the adoption of a standard set of money led to considerably less frustration over exchange and facilitated trade. Debate occurred over how and where the coinage was to be produced as its metal cost is lower than its face value; however, a compromise was struck. Each province states the amount of coinage they wish to produce yearly and a single province may not mint more than the lowest amount stated.  


Four different types of coins are utilized for economic activities.  

Copper Pence

The basic unit of money is the copper pence and is most commonly utilized to pay for smaller basic necessities or as a change coin. A decent cup of ale costs 4 pence yet those living on the streets can try to survive another day on just 10 pence.   A pound of pence is 100 coins.  

Bronze Sickle

Most folk carry a handful of this coin on their person while they're out and about on the town. Unskilled day workers make 2 sickles a day which coincidentally is enough to drown themselves in a gallon of ale or cheap wine. 10 sickles a day is enough to live a comfortable life and eat well.   One sickle is worth 10 pence. A pound of sickles is 80 coins.  

Silver Crown

The crown is considered the coin of the craftsmen, merchants, and wealthy. A lone crown can buy you anywhere from a battleaxe to a set of mason's tools or a single day in the life of an aristocrat.   One crown is worth 100 sickles. A pound of crowns is 64 coins.  

Golden Eisan

The highest valued coin in the land is rarely if ever seen outside of financial institutions. It's far more common for long distance trade to utilize the Sending spell to notify your bank to transfer money to another, for a small fee of course. Due to their high value each coin released for circulation carries a small divination enchantment to insure the coin was not minted outside of an official channel. Expensive property purchases such as homes, businesses, and magical artifacts are where the eisan come into play.   One eisan is worth 100 crowns. A pound of eisans is 32 coins.

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